New girls/ old girls,

RI Bantoms

Jul 31, 2018
I have a total of 4 bantoms, 2 are older, about 6 years old( we lost one this spring, had 3). We were given 2 more that are approximately 2 years old. When we tried to put them together, it didn’t go well, we introduced them slowly, but one of our older girls is getting the brunt of it, and would escape our yard when we let them out. Our yard has a 6 ft privacy fence, but a few places they can squeeze out of. She could have been hiding under our deck, it was hard to tell, she would show up occasionally to eat, I was able to catch her, so now the new girls are separated from the old ones. The new girls are also finding a way out. I hate not letting them out all day. Not sure what to do.
How long have you been at it? Getting adult chickens to coexist that don't know each other can be a long process. Penning them next to each other for a few weeks than letting them mingle is best. It can take a few months to a year for everyone to forget that some don't belong.

It's always easier to introduce chicks to a flock which is normal to them. Adult birds are seen as intruders who they must fight off or give them the territory and abandon it. Becoming a flock with strange birds is not one of their instincts.
Thanks for your advice! We have been at it since May, my goal is to have them together by fall. I’m hoping to allow time out together, then separate them at night. I’m just afraid they will hide or escape. Their coops are fairly close together, they can see each other.
Do they need to be together if you have 2 coops? It can work better to have them right next to each other so they can directly interact through the fence. Than allowing them to mingle by opening the fence up between them still allows them to fall back to their side. Also putting a connecting fence can work for a common mingling area. Welded wire or snow fencing can be used to set up a quick temporary area.

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