New guy, new coop, new questions.


6 Years
Jun 4, 2013
Hey everyone! My name is Todd and I live around the Nashville area. Just moved my six ladies (at least I HOPE they are ladies) out of my garage to their brand new 'Chalet' (see below). Have a couple questions though:

Do I have to hang my food thing? Right now its just sitting on the ground ... and I threw some of that Earth stuff around the often do I reapply that? **Just read an article that this DE stuff may not even be needed **

As of last night they started going inside for the evening (woot!)... !

Thanks! -- Todd
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Welcome to BYC!

What a cute little coop! You don't have to hang your feed, but you might put it up on blocks to keep things from being kicked into the water. That is what I do. Water too. You can over turn a small tub or even some bricks will work.

I would reinforce your edges around the run with more of those blocks as predators are diggers. They will only go thru so much work before they quit, but I would make it harder for them to dig. Check each morning or evening to see that nothing is messing around the area before something actually does get in.

Other than that, it looks like your birds have a nice home. If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Awesome, thank you! I was just reading that hanging it saves food and keeps them from kicking it everywhere too... that would be good. These little suckers are going through the feed!

Any thoughts on when and how much of that Diatomaceous earth?
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Cute little coop! X2, I usually put my feeders and waterers up on blocks, found it easier than hanging them. You may want to plan on what you are going to use in the run, they will have that grass destroyed pretty fast and you will want the base elevated a little or it will be a mud pit when it rains... Sand is really popular for both the run and coop ...
Sounds great! I will use blocks!

That link sounds like he puts sand in the house too? I thought the shavings were also for warmth...sand doesnt sound to warm to me.
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I would put one more set of blocks on top of the ones you have and maybe another set around the outer edge too. Sand is not all that warm. For warmth in the coop I would use pine shavings, but sand is great for your run. It will keep things dry instead of mud, and it keeps the birds cool in the summer. :)
Thanks! Ya...warmth is of the essence right now (we hit 29 last night! :( ) ... but I THINK we are almost done with this winter (fingers crossed). It just so happens I have a spare bag of that is cool! I'll get on the reinforcement...thanks!

I have read about putting a few feet of chicken wire on the ground and then up the wall of the outside of the coop... I was planning on that, any thoughts anyone?
It never hurts to skirt the outer edges with wire or dig down deep and bury wire. Make sure to really pack the dirt back in as predators can sniff out moving air in loose dirt really easily. Chicken wire is pretty useless as it can be chewed right thru by all kinds of critters, especially raccoons. Snakes, rats and mice can waltz right thru chicken wire. I would go with hardware cloth to be safe. 1/2 inch works well.
Alright Todd,
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center

If your feed is just blowing in the wind try putting a little water in the feed as it holds it together and it is easer for the chicks to eat and less waste ,,, just lesions learned

One really nice chicken coop

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