New guy--question about adding birds

from WI. I have some chickens that are all winter hardy breeds.....Golden Laced Wyandottes (all of the Wyandottes are OK with cold and supposed to continue laying eggs in winter), my favorite - Salmon Faverolle and EE. I also considered Buckeyes, RIR, and Barred Rocks ( and then some more.....
). CHeck Henderson's Breed chart for chickens that meet your needs. I would quarantine any additions, also would have a fence to keep birds apart for a few days prior to letting them be together. And I would try to have the newbies somewhat close to the other chickens size.
Good luck
Thanks Robin, but I already made arrangements with another member for a 1/2 doz. hens. If I had the room I would take them. Sorry, and thanks. And thanks for the welcome!
Thanks for everyone's advice. I looked in the classifieds on this site and came across an ad from a member from CT who is reducing her flock. She doesn't want to part with them because they are her pets, so I know they've been well cared for. I'm getting six hens: 2 black stars, 1 white rock, 1 silver laced wyandotte, a red leghorn and buff minorca .

These are 10-month-olds so I am going to have to be careful, and keep them separated for a while when I introduce them to my single adult bird for sure. I'm new to this, but I can see what can happen a mile away. Then again, it'll be six against one!

Thanks for the advice everyone, and all the welcomes. We'll see how long it takes before I get the itch to build another coop, or convert the entire shed to a coop, instead of the room I made inside it! I can see this being very addicting.
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I am new to the chicken thing too!! We literally turned our guest tub into a brooder...(talk about a story)! until my husband built a segregation area into our hen house. I have 4 week old wyandottes (silver and gold) and dominiques. I have to suggest the doms. They are the sweetest chickens I have ever seen. All three types are cold hardy, good layers and nice dispositioned. Inhereited two older chickens....the babies are in the brooder in the hen house and the older chickens can see them but can't get to them. Hopefully, we will intermix everyone in 3 more weeks. (Making sure the big birds are completely healthy). Go ahead and get some babies...but get them soon so they will have some feathers before the cold starts in.

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