New Guy


May 19, 2017
Well.....made the plunge - wife wants two or three chickens - a happy wife ....happy life. Anyhow, in the Northwest (Seattle area) and diving into this head first with a ton of research first. an awesome site with a ton of good folks and good info. I go.

Raising in my backyard - egg layers
Need to build a smaller coop with a small run and need good plans - any assist?
Placing the coop on crushed rock area then will make a smaller portable one for the lawn -

Thanks all - looking forward to being part of the club.
yes, isn't it awesome, I learned everything about chickens here....
Good luck with yours, see you around!
:welcome Crushed stone unless very fine is not great for the feet .Covered with a good layer of sand or dirt or a mix of the two is better and a good litter wood chips straw or the like . Check forums for coop and run designs lots of good ones on there .And there is always TSC just to look at designs. Enjoy the chicken adventure :frow

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