New Hampshire Chickenstock! Update!

With the interest for "readings" please remember to put "BYC" on your name tag as I will only do 15 min reads for BYC folks ONLY. I wish I could do more but its for fun and also I want to enjoy the day! (no kids because I don't want them to be scared-not that I'm that good, but its a touchy area and I DO NOT want to create stress regaurding religious beliefs) Feel free to bring photo's and anything interesting to discuss, I enjoy sharing!
Looking forward to seeing you all,
~ kellie:D
This is a letter I recieved from one of the top "hens" (couldn't resist) from the Northern New England Bird Fanciers club, encluded you will find her email address. Feel free to contact her yourself if your interested.

Subject: Northern New England Bird Fanciers Club
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
I sent to both address' and I'm not sure, but one came back to me, the other resulted in an answer. Give her a bit of time, like the rest of us.

HI Kellie,
Nice to hear from you..........the Northern New England Bird Fanciers group meets monthly in Lewiston at the MPBN building, but for the next few months we will be meeting at the Farmington Fairgrounds. We will be having a Basket show ( an old timey name for a bird show) August 3rd at the Fairgrounds. Gates open at 8.00 a.m., and there will be a show, a swap and sell area, food tent, we are hope to have a bird testing area set up and after the show an auction of poultry and farm related items...............The registration for the show begins at 9.a.m. and fees are
$1.00 per bird, 5 birds per breed, maximum of 25 birds per person.JUdging begins at 11:00
You could call it a "chicken stock" kind of get together.......... this will be the 2nd year we have held the Basket show, last year our show was held at the Oxford fairgrounds and was very well attended with many vendors, LOTS of birds and plenty of "fowl" language spoken throughout the day. Please feel free to pass the info along or you could have folks contact me at my email address for more info. We would love to be included in the "Backyard Poultry Group" listing and I will sign up to be on their site as well. Well gotta " Fly", birds to feed and put to bed.Hope to chat with you again, Kath

Northern New England Bird Fanciers Club [email protected]; [email protected]
I got a phone call last night at TSC...someone will be coming from Concord, NH bringing silkies, a "pair" of I believe gold laced wyandottes and she is looking for buff orps!!!
I think name tags for BYC members is great and if you could include a few extras from other chat groups that may be coming that would be great too! I know that this has been posted in a few differant groups, both off and on-line!
Farmington is not that far from me!!

Anyway, I can't make it to NH...
But you all have fun!! I turned the chicken brochure into a PDF so that I can share it with you all, since I am not going to be there to bring copies.
If you all want to print and bring a few copies with you, and pass them out to the "on-lookers" that would be great!!

You will need Acrobat Reader(or a PDF reader) to view and print the brochure.

High resolution version. Better if you have DSL or cable to view this one, unless you are a patient dial-up user.

Low resolution version. Not as clean looking, but works and kinder to dial-uppers.

Oh and everyone here, feel free to print this for your own Chickenstocks or whatever.

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i am trying to make a list of who i promised what so i can box them seperate tomorrow, if i promised you something please email or pm me or list it here so i am sure to put your names on it. thanks wendy
Awesome job with that brochure Frozen!!! There is a lot of info in there and
it's very nicely done. Drumstick was sitting with me and bed and read every word.

Sorry you can't make it. It's 3 hours for me too so I understand. It would have
been SO NICE to finally meet all my Northern New England friends.

Whoever has a good printer should print those out. Just print 30 copies on
one side then flip over the paper, after the ink dries, and print the back sides.
Try a few first so you don't waste the ink.

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