New Hampshire Chickenstock! Update!

BTW, I met Mrs. mmajw yesterday and what a terrific lady and wonderful young'uns!
I have 6 meat birds and they are such healthy little beefers! Lively and I am pleased and impressed with the knowledge that she has- and the kids too! Awsome.

I am a ding bat (incase no one knows) and a mix up occured, my bad
, God bless you Mrs. mmajw, we met and it was a super visit. Lets hope you folks can make it Sunday, its summer and understandable if people can't make it due to the need to accomplish things.

Again, Thank you for explaining things and great birds, I have pics just not ready to send!

Anyone planning on doing business with mmajw and Frozen Feathers, I give both A+ for just knowing their stuff and quality birds!
Sorry about the appendix...bummer...I have managed to have my allergies turn me into a giant sniffing waterfall...but I'm going beddybye soon and hopefully I won't feel like roadkill by Sunday...
I've had kidney stones AND I've given birth...I think they're a tie.
Hi everybody. I just joined BYC today. Is that too new to come to Chickenstock? I woudl love to meet some local chicken people, and I have a couple of six week old roos I'd love to find homes for (two Blue-laced Red Wyandottes, four Silver-pencilled Wyandottes) and I have a Silver-pencilled Wyandotte pullet I'd be willing to trade, too.
Yay! This is going to be fun! All the talking about chickens I've done has been online, it'll be fun to hang out with other chicken people.

Also, I'm really hoping I can find a good home for my favorite BLRW cockerel, Booboo Chicken. If I lived in a town that allowed roosters, there's no way I'd part with this guy, cos I think he'd be great breeding stock, but I don't, so he has to go. This is a picture of him that was taken on the 18th:

i have blue andelusian (sp) eggs under my cochin due to hatch tomorrow, and i have 2 or 3 speckeled sussex chicks straight run, will be bringing them,
i have a blrw that i thought was a roo, i am thinking its a hen, so i hold hope that you will find a home for that roo,maybe me...dh is gonna kill me lol
well, it will make for an interesting ride home!! i had made a decision to focus on a few breeds, that may have to be added to the list, gives me something to think about,see you there!!
I would love to come. It's just such a long drive for us. We are almost on the CT
coastline. Me and Drumstick will be there in spirit.

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