New Hampshire Chickenstock! Update!

Seriously though the paper wants to print something so Dammond wants pictures...maybe everyone send him one they think is good! And just need to go out and take a picture of Leroy, cause REALLY he does take the prize for "uniqueness!"
When exactly in Sept do you want to do this so I can ask now for another Milford TSC Swap?
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ok.. I will admit that I am the one that posted on Craigslist. And posted on my equine board. And on another Poultry list I belong too. I work from home, catching emails from my husbands company when they are busy. So I am at the computer a lot.

Oh. He is the guy in the raffle table photo!

Cheep Trick I swear I thought your DH didnt get a picture of you looking for that little pheasant! Glad you like the Hot Fudge Sauce. I have been carrying around the soap trying to decide which I like best. But I think it is a tie

I think there is a poultry swap in Lancaster MA, at the Bolton Fairgrounds sometime in either August or September. I got my rabbit Dean there 2 years ago.

The two chicks that I bought from Chickn are doing well.

Anyway. It was great meeting you all.
Chicken Stock was great! We were just about to buy a group of three (forget the breed) of 2 hens and a rooster from ??? woman getting ready to move and focusing on other breeds -- but another family beat us to it! Glad to see they went together.

We missed out on the chocolate sauce! The chocolate chip cookies were yummy and the soap is great!

Looking forward to the next one. We learned a lot. Maybe we'll check out Maine's.

Thanks everyone!
cheryl i think the 2nd or 3 rd sunday in sept would be great, you pick one, tell me and i will get the magic elf to put it on craigs list,,lol
dont panick mm
if you look at the beginning of the nh or any chickenstock threads, people will either be able to make it or not, and then again at the last minute, but as long as you advertise well, like craigs list, lol, and all feed stores, and any poultry groups in your area. i have already posted a few threads asking for interest, havent put a town or date yet, think i said sept, but you can change that, things will be fine. it is further than i want to travel in the heat, but i actually havent looked to see how far from me it is, i dont want to say yes then no, i want to wait and see what the weather is like. i dont mind doing what i can to help you from here,
cheryl i sent pics to the paper,

mm- i put an interest thread on yahoo groups in maine nh area so far 2 votes for scarborough or south, will put litchfield on those threads for you,

the tsc /chickenstock combo worked great, i tend to want to lean towards them, but like i said, i am willing to help.

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