New Hampshire - LIVE FREE or DIE

Here is a link to the NH swaps.
Greg is blazingsaddles. You can pm him and he will get back to you. He is the director of the swaps.

I forgot the link sorry............
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At first is was 125, but since no one is showing much interest on CL, we've lowered it to 100.

Might go to 95 if no one picks up, but I doubt DB will go lower then that since that's what most of the piglets I've seen sold go for.
Ohio its 6 , thats for young FACT a great LAW....million of day old chicks and duckling die because they were sold for easter pets, people buying 1 or 2 not knowing keeping them warm...was like 95 degree...some people .....the 6 chick laws was so at least the chicks could help each stay warm. Heck even Sears would give each child with parent A FREE SINGLE chick for easter.

So There is a very good reason for min number of day old chicks.

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