New Hampshire Lucy's First Egg...Nice One, too! bantyman, check it out


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
My two NH pullets, Penny and Lucy, are from Ideal. Lucy has this huge floppy comb, so I was expecting her egg any day now. I have 18 young pullets and 2 of them have been laying for a couple of weeks, both Barred Rocks (Hawkeye's daughters). Lucy is #3 of the 18 to start up. Look at what a nice egg! The color reminds me of a Delaware egg a bit.

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Yay, Speckled Hen! I love my NH Reds - I only have two - Fred and George (Weasley, of course). They lay like gangbusters and are so lovely to look at.

That is one nice egg.
I got my first egg from SOMEbody Thursday - not sure yet who. But really small and oh-so-cute!

How do you put pics on here?
All of my first eggs are so tiny. What am I doing wrong?

Perhaps I need to let them free range more or give them more greens.

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