New Hampshire Red OR New Hampshire Heritage Thread

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Thank you for using correct terminology, though looking at pictures, yours are not true bred New Hampshire's, but hatchery crosses that came out with one similarity to the real breed... orange red color.
And the black tail, and mane, you forgot to mention...

Wow lots of information on this thread. And a few miss-spellings from some 'experts' retorts. Sometimes I wonder how professional people are if they can't spell correctly, and claim to be an expert. I'm not going to go find all the miss-spellings, and I don't claim to be perfect that way either, but I definitly will no longer call my TSC birds NHR. They will now be New Hampshires, and we are newbies at this, all we are looking for is eggs from our girls (sorry, pullets. They are about 7 weeks old now, growing quickly).

Do NH at 7 weeks of age have black speckles on the neck feathers/hackles? I know mine most likely are mutts, just was wondering what type of mutt they are. TSC had them separated as "New Hampshire Reds" and "Amber Links", we are true first time Back Yard Chickeners, not experts, but are learning quickly to keep the birds happy and safe.

This is what I mean by the black speckles. We think this is a cockerel, and the small
blur has the speckles as well, and it may be a bantam. You can see the other
red bird in the background, maybe that's what they are calling the NH? Or is it
the, uh, amber-link? Whatever that is? We were just wanting some eggs from
our backyard flock, and are finding out that our local TSC is not a very good place
if one wants birds true to the breed.
Wow lots of information on this thread. And a few miss-spellings from some 'experts' retorts. Sometimes I wonder how professional people are if they can't spell correctly, and claim to be an expert. I'm not going to go find all the miss-spellings, and I don't claim to be perfect that way either, but I definitly will no longer call my TSC birds NHR. They will now be New Hampshires, and we are newbies at this, all we are looking for is eggs from our girls (sorry, pullets. They are about 7 weeks old now, growing quickly). Do NH at 7 weeks of age have black speckles on the neck feathers/hackles? I know mine most likely are mutts, just was wondering what type of mutt they are. TSC had them separated as "New Hampshire Reds" and "Amber Links", we are true first time Back Yard Chickeners, not experts, but are learning quickly to keep the birds happy and safe. This is what I mean by the black speckles. We think this is a cockerel, and the small blur has the speckles as well, and it may be a bantam. You can see the other red bird in the background, maybe that's what they are calling the NH? Or is it the, uh, amber-link? Whatever that is? We were just wanting some eggs from our backyard flock, and are finding out that our local TSC is not a very good place if one wants birds true to the breed.
my spelling is not at issue ,,, my fat thumbs and small iPhone are the real culprit ,,, oh and bad eyes without the specs sorry

Yowsers, don't know if I want to post here or not....Here's my bird anyway, it is a bird right?
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You're an extremely rude child. You come on here making outrageous statements & arguing when you are clearly wrong. You state, your words, that your are proud of being mininformed which seems a very odd thing to be proud of. Most people who come here do so because they want to become informed yet you continue to resist any opportunity to learn.
In a sense I suppose it's not your fault. Your attitude is the result of a society that has stopped keeping score in games, gives everyone a ribbon regardless of the quality of their participation & says everyone is special. A basic understanding of logic tells us if everyone is special, no one is.
Why don't you lose the arrogant attitude which isn't a particularly attractive attribute in anyone, especially a child. If you really think you're interested in involving yourself in breeding & showing poultry you can'y hope to succeed anything at it with the level of knowledge you now possess. Use this excellent opportunity to learn something about the activity you claim to be interested in. There are a number of knowledgeable people here who can help you with this if you lose the attitude.
The other option is to continue to allienate people & continue to say things that prove how little you know.

I know this is an older thread but when I came across it I had to chime in,I could not agree with you more about this entitlement society we live in now especially the younger kids I have 2 children 8 and 9 and the school does exactly that with giving them medals and ribbons telling them how great they are for participating not even winning anything,so these kids grow up thinking every thing is owed to them without even working for it or achieving anything.As far as the OP goes that's a perfect example there is nothing I hate more than ignorance which she keeps showing in her defiance to learn anything through out this thread,this is one example of why this country is not #1 anymore because we've settled on being complacent and are teaching the younger generation to be the same way and not work for anything just expect to be rewarded for nothing.
Much of the wrangling over the correct name of the New Hampshire breed stems from the fact that in the 1940's and 1950's there was also a New Hampshire White sold by hatcheries in the USA.....Actually, there are still New Hampshire White breeders in Germany as well as a Gold Blue Variety.....Neither was ever admitted to the Standard of Perfection, however...New Hampshires are really beautiful chickens and extremely useful as general purpose fowls....Breeder flocks were established in Germany after the Second World War to help the German people recover from the devastation of the war...Recently New Hampshires of the red variety have been reimported to the USA...They are beautiful birds too...Wish more people would visit this thread........Seems like nearly everyone responding cannot get past the shallow argument over the "Red" issue....THE FACTS ARE ARE VERY SIMPLE: The Breed IS New Hampshire...Only the Red variety is recognized officially as such, BUT there are White and Other Colors NOT OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED........................Take acre..
Much of the wrangling over the correct name of the New Hampshire breed stems from the fact that in the 1940's and 1950's there was also a New Hampshire White sold by hatcheries in the USA.....Actually, there are still New Hampshire White breeders in Germany as well as a Gold Blue Variety.....Neither was ever admitted to the Standard of Perfection, however...New Hampshires are really beautiful chickens and extremely useful as general purpose fowls....Breeder flocks were established in Germany after the Second World War to help the German people recover from the devastation of the war...Recently New Hampshires of the red variety have been reimported to the USA...They are beautiful birds too...Wish more people would visit this thread........Seems like nearly everyone responding cannot get past the shallow argument over the "Red" issue....THE FACTS ARE ARE VERY SIMPLE:  The Breed IS New Hampshire...Only the Red variety is recognized officially as such, BUT there are White and Other Colors NOT OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED........................Take acre..
Hey thanks for the info appreciate your knowledge on this breed,I would love to have some myself but up here in ct there is nobody who sells them and don't want hatchery quality,I would even settle for fertile eggs at a reasonable price,if anyone in the NE knows where I could get some can you email me please thanks.
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