New Hampshire!!

OtterD. Where'd u find the guy who did ur coop? We naively bought ours online too saying good for 4 chickens and its going to be TIGHT for our 3 girls. I'd love to find someone reasonable and local.
Could you build one? My hubby built ours and it's great (if not a little over-engineered! LOL!). Some friends of ours, just built theirs as well when they got chicks this spring.
Is anyone else in NH having losses of younger birds to sour crop? I lost two cockerels over the weekend, both 10-11 weeks old. The only real symptoms they had were soup crop (foul breath, squishy, balloon-like crop) and general lethargy. They both died within 24 hours of me noticing symptoms. I have one other cockerel that has been acting lethargic but is still eating and plugging along normally otherwise. He hasn't developed the foul smelling breath or squishy crop like the other two, but he hasn't gone back to energetic behavior yet either. I was so upset, I was convinced that somehow I've been a terrible birdy-momma. I went around scrubbing the heck out of every feeder and waterer, and changing the bedding, and watching all the other younguns for symptoms. I haven't lost any more since that first two, but I was feeling so bad. Then I just happened to be talking to a woman at the store down the road who also keeps chickens. I told her about the sour crop, and she looked stunned for a moment, then told me that one of her other customers told the exact same story earlier today. So now I wonder what could be going around that causes sour crop? Or, could it be a feed contaminant, since most people in my immediate area probably buy feed from the same place? Or could it somehow be weather related, since we had a streak of unseasonably warm followed by cold and wet? It's a mystery to me, so I thought I'd ask if any of you are having similar problems!
OtterD. Where'd u find the guy who did ur coop? We naively bought ours online too saying good for 4 chickens and its going to be TIGHT for our 3 girls. I'd love to find someone reasonable and local.
Sorry for the delay. Just saw this although I read all messages that come through my e-mail alert. Missed yours for some reason.
He is on Craiglist - 603-748-0900, also look for the ad called "The Perfect Little Chicken Coop"; takes about a week to build but he had one in stock of the small size. I really need bigger but my husband can convert a shack we have so that is the plan. In the meantime, this small one works although I'm already out of room. Just buy the biggest one you can (he has other sizes).
Greetings! You don't need meds for guinea keets. The meds in chick feed is for coccidiosis specifically. Your guineas, assuming proper hygiene, floor space and diet, do not need it. Meds chick feed is for chickens only. Med turkey feed is for turkeys only. It is for histiomaniasis, aka black head, which is a turkey-centric issue. Feed your guineas gambird crumble.


Required tests for certification in the NPIP are Salmonella Pullorum/Typhoid. This needs to be done in order to become NPIP certified. Once certified I can sell my extra eggs, chickens over 5 months old and enter them into a show (think Deerfield) if I like. I also can't bring other birds or babies into my flock without them being from an NPIP flock or I invalidate my status.

Greetings! In NH NPIP testing also includes the Avian Influenza (AI) test. It's all done from the same blood sample at the NH Veterinary Diagnositics Lab at UNH.

The NPIP test isn't really a benefit or concern with egg sales for consumption. Concerns to consider there are about proper hygiene and egg handling, cleanliness, and storage, The NPIP program is about attempting to control and monitor flock and, especially, inter-flock contamination and disease transference. It's really important for (and because of) large producers. It serves to monitor them and protect them from loss.
anyone close to Haverhill / Plymouth NH or Bradford , Newbury, wells river, VT ?? Looking for some pullets or hens. Lost a few to something. would like a few more girls. I am in Pike, NH

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