I'm new to BYC. We raised 6 Rhode Island Reds chicks and 4 of them ended up being Roos and only 2 of them are hens. One of my hens started laying 2 weeks ago. They're 24 weeks old. I recently added 3 Barred Rocks that are 2 weeks older than my reds. The farmer said they've been laying for almost a month. One of the rocks insists on going into the nesting box a lot. My red that's laying took a few days to even lay in the nesting box. The other 2 barred rocks will lay in the boxes as well but the one will go in there a lot. I went to lock their coop tonight and while all the other chickens were roosting, she was in the nesting box. Is she getting broody? Are there other behavior things I should watch for? My reds are completely different from the barred rocks so I'm not sure if this is normal for them.