New she broody?


5 Years
Sep 28, 2014
South Florida
I'm new to BYC. We raised 6 Rhode Island Reds chicks and 4 of them ended up being Roos and only 2 of them are hens. One of my hens started laying 2 weeks ago. They're 24 weeks old. I recently added 3 Barred Rocks that are 2 weeks older than my reds. The farmer said they've been laying for almost a month. One of the rocks insists on going into the nesting box a lot. My red that's laying took a few days to even lay in the nesting box. The other 2 barred rocks will lay in the boxes as well but the one will go in there a lot. I went to lock their coop tonight and while all the other chickens were roosting, she was in the nesting box. Is she getting broody? Are there other behavior things I should watch for? My reds are completely different from the barred rocks so I'm not sure if this is normal for them.
My barred rocks do that alot. Every day, day or night my Barred Rocks go in their sit their and start scratching. Even if she doesn't lay an egg. The next day she would lay an egg and do the same thing all over again.

It is normal for them.
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If your hen stays on egg for three days straight, then she's probably broody.not sure but I don't think your birds are old enough to get broody. Like the other poster said they will just get in the box and scratch and such, just because.
Oh good! I definitely feel better now! I was hoping it was normal behavior for this hen and I didn't think they're nearly old enough to get broody on me yet! I went out this morning and she is in there happy as can be. Thankfully I have another nesting box for the other hens to lay because she is definitely a nesting box hog! Thanks :)

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