New Hen Surrogate Mama as of this week!

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice coop for them! However the chicken wire on the outside needs to be replaced with Hardware Cloth, a wire you can get at the Hardware store. Chicken wire is extremely flimsy and night time predators can rip through it very easily and eat these birds. Do you have them on chicken feed? It is needed for their health and laying, oyster shell too for laying hard shelled eggs. You can get both of these at a feed store.

Enjoy this new experience! If you have any questions about anything else along the way, be sure to ask. Welcome aboard!
Thank you for your message! Yes, it’s mixed chicken feed that contains corn, and things. The owner has a bin filled with this very grainy, grey colored, powder that sounds like the oyster shells, but I will check with him in the morning.

I only gave them the core of my pear once, salad greens, broccoli sprouts, lettuce, and one earthworm I found after the rain. I will be mindful of not giving too many fruits, getting some grit, and building the poo pan! Thank you! 🙏🏾
Welcome to the coop! I use the Forums and Articles tabs at the top of the page to do research. You can get lost for hours. It's nice to know you are minutes away from getting help with questions and emergencies! I always check in the "What's New" section as well at the top of this page. This way I can read how I may have a similar question or help give some advice.

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