New hens from May, still not laying in Nov.

I have 3 different varieties of hens. Easter Eggers, Barred Rock, Wyaodette. None of them have started laying yet. We do live in Michigan and the weather has been colder, will they not lay until Spring?


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Pictures would help to make sure they are pullets and to see their comb color.
My March EE chicks from this year: 1 laid her first egg in August and the rest started laying in September. I’m assuming your EE is close.
I have 3 different varieties of hens. Easter Eggers, Barred Rock, Wyaodette. None of them have started laying yet. We do live in Michigan and the weather has been colder, will they not lay until Spring?
Yeah I wouldn't expect them to lay till spring BUT you never know! Most of my flock hatched the first week of April and I only have 3 laying, I'm thinking the other nine won't lay till spring, but it all depends on breed, location, and the individual bird. Mine are mostly Easter Eggers, which based on what I've read typically lay later. It's also starting to get really cold here. Hopefully you get some eggs before spring!

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