New Hens Need Advice


In the Brooder
May 21, 2024
I got some new hens from a neighbor today.

I have checked them over. So far, no lice or mites that I can see. Feet look ok.

But 2 of them have dirty butts. I have looked and it doesn't look like vent gleet. But they are dirty, and I'm sure that means there's some sort of problem.

Everyone looks ok other than the butts. But one in particular is always mouth breathing, and wheezing when she does. There isn't any signs of anything being secreted around her nose, mouth, or eyes, and she DOES NOT have a dirty butt.

So far, to treat these things, the only thing I have done, is put some probiotics in their water. I just got them this morning, so there hasn't been time to do anything else.

I'm a first time chicken owner, but I'm also a dog breeder, and was a vet tech once upon a time, so I'm not squeamish. Just new to poultry.

Also the Roo who came with these ladies, looks bright and healthy, I haven't gotten my hands actually on him yet, but he appears ok from afar. He doesn't want me to touch him.
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I got some new hens from a neighbor today.

I have checked them over. So far, no lice or mites that I can see. Feet look ok.

But 2 of them have dirty butts. I have looked and it doesn't look like vent gleet. But they are dirty, and I'm sure that means there's some sort of problem.

Everyone looks ok other than the butts. But one in particular is always mouth breathing, and wheezing when she does. There isn't any signs of anything being secreted around her nose, mouth, or eyes, and she DOES NOT have a dirty butt.

So far, to treat these things, the only thing I have done, is put some probiotics in their water. I just got them this morning, so there hasn't been time to do anything else.

I'm a first time chicken owner, but I'm also a dog breeder, and was a vet tech once upon a time, so I'm not squeamish. Just new to poultry.

Also the Roo who came with these ladies, looks bright and healthy, I haven't gotten my hands actually on him yet, but he appears ok from afar. He doesn't want me to touch him.
Just an update.

I treated all three hens who have dirty butts, we washed them in warm water, and I put Monistats generic around, and in their vents. I also added ACV to their water.

I identified and banded the hen who is wheezing to monitor her.

I also kinda rescued a silkie roo today. He's covered in lice. I dunked him into a permethrin bath the second we got home. Poor guy is so itchy, he's rubbed all his pretty plumage off. I'm going to dip him again in a week, then give it a week, and see if he needs another dip. I might need to worm him too, he's a bit lighter than I suspect he should be. I have some Safeguard in my medicine cabinet so it wouldn't hurt.

Is there anything I missed?

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