new here, 1st time chick owner & possible sicky? (picture)


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 7, 2013
Hello! I am a first time chicken owner. To start our flock, my husband and I ordered 25 barred rocks (and also got 1 mystery chick which is a white crested black polish). They are a little over 5 weeks old now and all seem to be thriving...except one, that my daughter has named Minnie. She is much smaller than the rest. At first, I thought she may be a different breed or just the runt, but now I think she might be sick. She lets anyone hold her without running or resisting at all, she stands in one place a lot. Her eyelids seem to be shut alot (blind?) . She does eat and drink. The others seems to cuddle around her sometimes like a watch, protection, warmth. Yesterday she wouldn't go outside at all, and the others all seemed very concerned, today she went out and seemed better, but is still doing her typical behaviors. She even sits in the feeder to eat instead of standing. I wanted to attach a picture of her to see if anyone could tell me anything from the photo, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Also - I have finally decided to join instead of lurk due to had a day of hearing a lot of negative things about raising chickens (mostly about predators) from people who are or have raised chickens :( and I felt like I really need the support and sharing! I have already learned so much from reading this site in the last few weeks. :)

Poor Minnie doesn't look well - please post in the "emergencies,diseases, injuries, treatment" section with as much detail as you can provide ie, how long she has been like this, age, symptoms, photos etc. Does her poo look normal? Hopefully someone on there will pinpoint her problem. Good luck. Usually when a chick is sick, the others attack them . Do you really think she is blind, that would explain her smaller size, maybe she doesn't get to eat enough.
Sorry to hear about it. I'm too new to help but I hope someone replies. My week old Cochin acted similar but she didn't eat or drink. Hopefully your little one will pull through this.
Greetings from Kansas, WCflockers, and
! Pleased to have you in our flock but sorry to hear about your sickly chick. I agree with the advice of drumstick - hope you get some advice that is helpful. Best wishes!!
Thanks everyone! So excited to be here. Minnie update: She seems to be doing well! Eating and coming outside with the others, etc.

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