New here and hoping to learn


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2023
I recently got my first flock(10 to start) , I've cared for chickens before but this is the first time I've had a flock of my own and this time I'm not living with an experienced farmer. And unfortunately, I'm running into issues I haven't seen before and finding answers on the internet is like pulling teeth. I'm a hermit so I'm a bit awkward but I'm hoping to learn as much as I can to give my flock the best chance at life possible. I love them dearly and I'm afraid my stubborn need to do this alone without help is going to kill all of them. I've already lost five of them, out of the ten I got from a distant family member I got four roosters so three had to go especially after they killed one of my hens. And then just recently one got crushed by a jungle gym that wasn't properly anchored. I'm hoping to do better for what's left of my birds. And recently one got sick and I don't know what from. I was prepared for death when i started, accidents happen and I live in a very hot climate. If I can learn anything from here and the people on it I'm willing to do just about anything. I care a lot about my animals, more then most of my family. These animals deserve to live long healthy and happy lives and I'm determined to give them that. Even if I have to work myself to the bone.

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