New here and new to chickens!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Small Town, IN
Hello all! My family has been slowly but surely turning our yard into an urban homestead, and our next step is chickens and ducks. Today we picked up 2 ducklings from the feed store, as the ducks are more just for fun, and we are waiting for out Barred Rock chicks we are getting from a local farmer. We are lucky enough to have like minded neighbors and we are splitting an order. Our flock will start with 5 chicks and our 2 ducklings, because we like to ease into things. We did get straight pull, and will have to butcher any roosters for meat since we cannot have roosters in the city limits, but plan to replace them with Golden Comets from a source we have recently found if we can determine the sex early enough to do so. We are going to start on the coop this week, and have plans for a chicken tractor. Any and all tips about this 'poultry adventure' are more than welcome, as we are brand new to things! Thanks and I look forward to getting to know you all!
from southeast, Louisiana!

from Illinois! The only advice I have is not to be afraid to ask questions on BYC. Everybody here is super friendly and helpful. You've just gotta ask! Good luck with your chickens. You'll be hooked in no time.
from Washington! Congrats on finding this place - you'll find it very addicting and useful as well as quite educational.

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