New Here. New Chicken Owner. Aggrevated.

Welcome to BYC! It sounds like you are a very attentive chicken keeper and I think you are doing great. If the vet said it was intestinal lining, I would trust that. As for the "grainy" poop, I wouldn't worry TOO much about it, but just keep an eye on it. If the treats you give have seeds in them (maybe the poultry cakes you mentioned), sometimes those don't digest much before coming out the other end, at least in my experience. Some of the smaller seeds like millet tend to just go right through them. I wonder if it's something like this that you are seeing. Also, if your chickens eat grass and plants outdoors, it can kind of make the poop have a somewhat grainy texture.

I think you are doing great. :) I've been keeping chickens about the same amount of time as you so I am no expert. But I've learned a lot on here and it sounds like you are doing pretty well and might be worrying too much because you care so much for your chickens.

Edit: I found this link on an old post on BYC the other day when I thought I was seeing blood in my chicken's poop. These pictures helped me tell that it was just the intestinal lining. It also has pictures of what different health issues look like.

The corral colored urates is EXACTLY what I am seeing. Whew! Glad I joined; that's just the thread I need lol Everything I have been seeing is there under normal.
The corral colored urates is EXACTLY what I am seeing. Whew! Glad I joined; that's just the thread I need lol Everything I have been seeing is there under normal.
This is why you should never hesitate to ask on here if you have a concern and engage in conversation when somebody responds. Sometimes it takes some back and forth to figure out what is going on. Glad you got a resolution, that took some work.

Practically anything you or your chickens eat contain something that could be harmful if consumed in great enough concentrations. One example is white potatoes. You see several warnings about them eating white potatoes on here and there is a substance in white potatoes, solanine, that can cause harm to you and the chickens. There is a basis of fact in that but there is a catch. For you to try to off your spouse by feeding them white potatoes you'd need to get a normal healthy human to eat 50 pounds or so at one meal. At one meal because the body is pretty good at removing that poison so it doesn't build up. I can't eat 50 pounds of potatoes at one meal. Chickens are not as big as a human so they would not need to eat 50 pounds, but their crop can't hold the amount of white potatoes it would take for them to get sick.

But there is another side to this. If the potatoes get sunburned and turn green the solanine concentration goes way up. They become dangerous to you and the chickens, especially if you or they are not real healthy. So white potatoes good. Sunburned green potatoes bad. The devil is in the details.

On the calcium, there are plenty of studies that show that the amount of calcium in Layer feed (around 4%) can harm chickens that are not laying if that feed is all they eat. In those studies they don't just count how many die, they cut them open to see what the damage is inside. Most of the studies I've seen were on growing chicks but one was on breeding roosters. Those studies are clear, some can be damaged by the extra calcium. Some, not all. That means some are, enough that you are warned against it. It is consistent that some are in different studies. Those don't always die, sometimes the damage just means they are weakened so they are not as efficient as they could be or to the point that stress could cause medical issues.

One bite won't kill them. It is not about how much calcium is in one bite, it's how many total grams of calcium they eat in the day, and even that is averaged over a few days. If all they eat is that Layer then it is enough to cause potential damage. If you feed them low calcium treats you reduce the total amount of calcium they eat that day. If they forage for a lot of their food you are probably reducing the total amount of calcium they get in a day significantly. That's why I take the stories about why it never bothered my chickens with two grains of salt and a dash of hot sauce. There could be some very important details missing as to why.

Keep asking questions and observing your chickens. Bad things can happen. Most of the time the panic you feel is overkill so it is a good feeling when you get it resolved but occasionally there are real dangers so ask. And try to feed them things in moderation.
Flock raiser is appropriate feed for all genders and ages of poultry (hence the name). Layer pellets are okay with all laying hens, but OP has a cockerel and there is some potential for organ damage with increased calcium intake over time.
I have fed my roosters layer pellets with the girls for 10 years without issues. I have had 17 roosters before. The ones that passed were due to old age or other reasons.
Welcome to BYC! It sounds like you are a very attentive chicken keeper and I think you are doing great. If the vet said it was intestinal lining, I would trust that. As for the "grainy" poop, I wouldn't worry TOO much about it, but just keep an eye on it. If the treats you give have seeds in them (maybe the poultry cakes you mentioned), sometimes those don't digest much before coming out the other end, at least in my experience. Some of the smaller seeds like millet tend to just go right through them. I wonder if it's something like this that you are seeing. Also, if your chickens eat grass and plants outdoors, it can kind of make the poop have a somewhat grainy texture.

I think you are doing great. :) I've been keeping chickens about the same amount of time as you so I am no expert. But I've learned a lot on here and it sounds like you are doing pretty well and might be worrying too much because you care so much for your chickens.

Edit: I found this link on an old post on BYC the other day when I thought I was seeing blood in my chicken's poop. These pictures helped me tell that it was just the intestinal lining. It also has pictures of what different health issues look like.
I thought I had done enough research actually. Didn't get them until I felt confident I knew enough. Come to find out; I didn't know enough
Most of us started that way. Sure some grew up in farm/homestead and knew most all by the time they had "their" chickens and a few ran out and got them without knowing anything. But most of us learned what we could before getting hands on to start to find out what else we needed to learn.
New here. Aggravated with the confusion. I am reading here that some of you are using Purina Flock Raiser with your mixed flocks and not having any issues. I have a small flock of 7 hens; about a year, one pullet and one rooster both about 5 months.

5 Buff Orpington
3 Barred
Rooster is a Buff/Bard Mix

(We lost his father rooster in Sept)

I am feeding Flock Raiser now to all with oyster shell and grit on the side. The get cry little scratch mixed in 2 times a week. They are in a coop with (2) 12x36 runs, one off each side. They can come and go as they please. I’ve given them things to climb on and treat stations for the Poultry cake treats.

I have noticed two things; the poop looks “grainy” in some instances. The second thing is the youngest pullet seems to shed little pieces of pinkish material a couple times every week.

She seems fine otherwise. A vet came out last month and did a flock assessment and said was intestinal lining. $500 for a visit and assessment. Said the runs were beautiful and what they like to see with backyard flocks that cannot free range.

I’m worried I’m giving them too much protein or not doing something right here. I clean the coop and run multiple times a week. I bring the water in each night and clean and refill. I add vitamins and probiotics to the water a couple times a week.

I am 1 year into chickens and am worried I’m doing something wrong. Am I paying too much attention to their poop, noticing every little change?
I had them on layer feed when I first got them and they were supposed to be 8 hens. A couple months into it; one ended up being a rooster. 4 months later; he got sick out of nowhere. I didn't have a local vet who could see him. He was lethargic, couldn't stand or hold his head up. His beak was open and he was breathing deep and slow.

I made the decision to cull him because I had no answers and he was suffering. I consider myself a relatively strong person but that was tough.

As I read more and more; I thought I messed up with the layer feed and made him sick. I read it could have been 500 things. Without a necropsy or a clue; I treated for Coccidia, took their 9x16 run and turned it into (2) 12x36 runs, stopped feeding treats more than a couple times a week, stopped putting ACV in their water and put poop boards under the roost. Now I pay too much attention.

When one of the babies turned out to be a rooster; I was happy and decided I would transition the flock to an all flock crumble. I keep a bowl of grit and a bowl of oyster shell available all the time.

I have noticed that this rooster is much larger than Cluck was; at least twice the size.

That is what I was reading and what the vet recommended when he came out.

I thought I had done enough research actually. Didn't get them until I felt confident I knew enough. Come to find out; I didn't know enough. I also found out the importance of "validated opinion".

For example; one person may say "I give my chickens candy every morning and have for years with no issues." - Come to find out the truth of that would be something like the chickens free range; they hardly see them and chickens dying from the candy and being carried off ended up being assumed they were just picked off by a predator. See my point? So; I want as much info as possible.

If I am going to do something, I want to do it right. If another living thing is counting on me to do it right and I don't, I take it personally. If I failed my wife, I would feel the same way. It drives me bonkers. Seems the older I get the worse I hold myself accountable if even its illogical :duc. I end up overthinking.

We cannot control all things but I want to. I want to prevent everything bad from happening to every living thing and I can't and it aggravates me. I think knowing that I can't makes it easier to be harder on myself for not doing enough. I have to turn the channel when the ASPCA or the St. Jude Children's commercials come on. Don't like to see them. Same for you?

We have horses too and when our young Friesian suffered colic; we first blamed ourselves for maybe mold in his feed. Thankfully we took him to state and he was there for 2 weeks but made it out without surgery. When we were able to focus on how it happened we found the place we boarded him put him in the pasture that he wasn't supposed to go into because of the trees and plants that were in there. We knew what things he needed to be kept away from and they didn't do it. The pasture was full of black walnut trees. He was just a baby and got into them. We moved him to a friends house as we pursued our own place. Then my wife's parents fell ill and we moved back closer to them. They passed in 2021. We are back to pursuing another homestead. We still are very careful to make sure the feed and hay quality is the best possible. The anxiety eventually went away. I am thinking it will with the chickens as well.

Sometimes I wish I could just be irresponsible and not care lol
You said
“I have to turn the channel when the ASPCA or the St. Jude Children's commercials come on. Don't like to see them. Same for you?”

ME TOO!! I mute it and ignore it or walk away/change the station.
And all the lawyer commercials that are on make me angry too! Like toxic water at that military camp etc....
This fallen world is hard enough to live in but “they” don’t want to stop reminding us of all the sadness.
I am one who takes things personal just the same as you. People like us are not as common. Try to think of your compassion as a gift. It is very hard that we can not control things... I know first hand! Especially being a mother. Luckily God has blessed me and I am able to be a stay at home mother. So being able to control situations with my own child is a God send. Being home eliminates the endless possibilities of sending my child off to strangers. Like how they are treated, what they are taught, what they eat etc....

I LLOOOOVE Fresien horses! They are one of my favorites! I used to own a quarter horse and I miss her.
I know how you feel because she got hurt where I used to board her.

Not to mention the hole fact that I have been searching for a house for 3 years exactly next month. All I want is my small farm but I happen to live in the worst state for it! RI.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. The best thing you can do is to continue searching for information and do what you feel is right.
Everything by else is just dealing with what life throws at you.
And there will be A LOT thrown at us!
Welcome to BYC, the best community to search for answers, get answers, help, and to also share what you learn about chicken things on this journey. We have a great group of wonderful encouragers. Keep on being vigilant, and there is never a dumb question except the one you don't ask. Happy to help. Just don't make yourself too crazy. On more than one chicken loss occasion I have felt and questioned my dumbness, or perhaps overlooked or forgot to do something that would have possibly prevented such loss. Illness and injury happens. It is never easy to lose an animal that you've invested so much in.
New here. Aggravated with the confusion. I am reading here that some of you are using Purina Flock Raiser with your mixed flocks and not having any issues. I have a small flock of 7 hens; about a year, one pullet and one rooster both about 5 months.

5 Buff Orpington
3 Barred
Rooster is a Buff/Bard Mix

(We lost his father rooster in Sept)

I am feeding Flock Raiser now to all with oyster shell and grit on the side. The get cry little scratch mixed in 2 times a week. They are in a coop with (2) 12x36 runs, one off each side. They can come and go as they please. I’ve given them things to climb on and treat stations for the Poultry cake treats.

I have noticed two things; the poop looks “grainy” in some instances. The second thing is the youngest pullet seems to shed little pieces of pinkish material a couple times every week.

She seems fine otherwise. A vet came out last month and did a flock assessment and said was intestinal lining. $500 for a visit and assessment. Said the runs were beautiful and what they like to see with backyard flocks that cannot free range.

I’m worried I’m giving them too much protein or not doing something right here. I clean the coop and run multiple times a week. I bring the water in each night and clean and refill. I add vitamins and probiotics to the water a couple times a week.

I am 1 year into chickens and am worried I’m doing something wrong. Am I paying too much attention to their poop, noticing every little change?
Regarding vitamins, use it for illness otherwise your feed is adequate.

Regarding probiotics, there is nothing wrong with offering it but you should have a plain waterer at the same time free choice.

Or give greek yogurt as a treat. Not sure that daily is necessary though. Anyone doing yogurt want to weight in on how much/how often? seems like it would promote fat…?
New here. Aggravated with the confusion. I am reading here that some of you are using Purina Flock Raiser with your mixed flocks and not having any issues. I have a small flock of 7 hens; about a year, one pullet and one rooster both about 5 months.

5 Buff Orpington
3 Barred
Rooster is a Buff/Bard Mix

(We lost his father rooster in Sept)

I am feeding Flock Raiser now to all with oyster shell and grit on the side. The get cry little scratch mixed in 2 times a week. They are in a coop with (2) 12x36 runs, one off each side. They can come and go as they please. I’ve given them things to climb on and treat stations for the Poultry cake treats.

I have noticed two things; the poop looks “grainy” in some instances. The second thing is the youngest pullet seems to shed little pieces of pinkish material a couple times every week.

She seems fine otherwise. A vet came out last month and did a flock assessment and said was intestinal lining. $500 for a visit and assessment. Said the runs were beautiful and what they like to see with backyard flocks that cannot free range.

I’m worried I’m giving them too much protein or not doing something right here. I clean the coop and run multiple times a week. I bring the water in each night and clean and refill. I add vitamins and probiotics to the water a couple times a week.

I am 1 year into chickens and am worried I’m doing something wrong. Am I paying too much attention to their poop, noticing every little change?
First of all, you should probably use layer pellets. Second, I believe that "mixed" flocks are those that have other types of poultry mixed in, such geese or ducks. I wouldn't feed them just flock raiser. Third it sounds like there aren't any real issues with your chickens.

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