new here with a egg mystery PLEASE HELP!!!!


7 Years
Apr 16, 2012
Hi Im new here, but not really new to chickens but im far from a expert. no matter what i do my hens wont lay eggs i have two buffs that are almost a year old now one breese thats a year old and several other hens that we purchesed that where already laying they layed here for about 2 weeks and then stopped.they should be about a year old as well they are all able to get into the roost at night. i feed them laying crumbles and scraps they have food and water 24/7 i clean there coop daily and maybe twice a month clean the coop with water and put freash straw down. there is no artifical light. and there is no way anything could be getting in there and stressing them. unless mice will stress them bc i have seen a few? also i had light in there and it went all day and night but i stopped that once the other hens stoped laying. bc i read that a change in light can take about two weeks to take affect and that leaving it on all the time will stress them. well its been three weeks with the light off so I dont think that is the problem. any help would be greatly really need some eggs.
They are probably just molting.Do they have a red comb and if you feel between there pelvic bone if you can get two fingers they are laying and could be eating the eggs. Just a thought.
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Welcome to BYC!

Lots of things can cause them not to lay. Stress, nutritional deficiencies, health issues,dehydration, molting, worms, mites or lice, too many roos, and yes even mice. You might want to read through this thread and you can even to some posting if you have further questions. Hopefully you can find your answer as to why they are not laying here....

Good luck with your flock and if you have any other questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
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I had the same problem, it wasnt they stopped laying, i just had a few hens that had developed a taste for eggs, i put golf balls in the nest boxes and fed them a oyster shell grit, they could be missing a nutrition your not aware of.
I have no problem with eggs now.
They also get bored so i set up different ways of feeding them, hanging food.
Good luck
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Hope you are able to figure out what is going on with your girls, you got some good suggestions above on things to check, and be sure to check out the link TwoCrows gave you.
I do have a rooster in with them. they could be molting. the buffs and breese have never layed though and i rasied the buffs and the breese since they where a few weeks old. at first i thought they where just to young and gave it time. I dont think they are eating the eggs either because you can puff up the straw in the nesting boxes (where they where laying) and there is no sign of them pressing it down bc the hay is still puffed up and hasnt been pressed down by the hen. not really sure on how to do marchicks suggestion. but I have watched them through out the day and they never go in the boxes anymore. thank you for all the help!

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