New here!


May 8, 2020
Hello, I'm happy to be here and can't wait to learn! Hubby and I bought a 20 acre farm in KY so we can retire. Me last fall, him, coming up in June. Yeah, a busy, working retirement. Anyway, we are researching and over-analyzing everything to know about chickens, coops, raising them - what to do and what not to do. We are starting from "scratch" - yes a poor chicken joke - have no coop or no chickens yet. But we will soon, can't wait! Just wanted to say hello and I'll be lurking, reading, asking, and learning everything I can. When we are set up with our coop of about 8 chickens (yes, I've read about chicken math :hmm:D ) I will post pictures and continue to ask questions. So glad this resource is here -- amazing!
Congratulations on your new farm and your soon-to-be chickens. You have room for a lot more than 8 on twenty acres! ;) Just kidding! Be sure to keep us updated on your chicken journey. This is a great place to learn, lots of knowledgeable people. I've had my little flock for a year now, and I know BYC has kept me from making some rookie mistakes. Are you planning to get any other kinds of livestock or animals on your farm?
Hello, I'm happy to be here and can't wait to learn! Hubby and I bought a 20 acre farm in KY so we can retire. Me last fall, him, coming up in June. Yeah, a busy, working retirement. Anyway, we are researching and over-analyzing everything to know about chickens, coops, raising them - what to do and what not to do. We are starting from "scratch" - yes a poor chicken joke - have no coop or no chickens yet. But we will soon, can't wait! Just wanted to say hello and I'll be lurking, reading, asking, and learning everything I can. When we are set up with our coop of about 8 chickens (yes, I've read about chicken math :hmm:D ) I will post pictures and continue to ask questions. So glad this resource is here -- amazing!
Yay welcome to byc we’re glad to have you:) can’t wait to see your chicken journey. Btw chicken math is the best kind 😂

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