New Here

Mother Hen to 6

8 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Just got our 1st chicks.. 2 paint silkies 1 blue silkie and another silkie im not sure about... also got 3 call ducklings and a mille flure rooster... cant wait to learn more
Silkies, call ducks and a millie, oh my! Sounds like a nice start to a chicken addiction to me. Would love to see some photos of your new arrivals if you can post them!

And by the way,
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new chicks! You will have a cute little flock!

Welcome to BYC!

Aww...your babies are adorable!! Enjoy them, they grow so fast. Welcome to our flock!
hello! welcome to backyard chickens! i'm quite new here, although i have had chickens for a long while now. I have eight silkie hens, and one cockerel - along with a couple of serama chicks. i'd love to see some pictures of your silkies - i just love them, they are adorable and have so much character! good luck with your babies!

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