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6 Years
Aug 17, 2014
I am new here...but not really new to chickens....I have had chickens on and off for several years....for the past 10 or 11 years I had a flock of rescue chickens...we went to Key West about 11 years ago...and I walked every day...and guess what I found....a chicken rescue....I would visit every day...and ended up bringing some Key West chickens and a banty pair on the long journey home to Ohio....and then about 3 years after that someone dumped some chickens off at my son in they caught up those chickens and brought them to me....those birds are all in April I bought 2 Barnvelders, 2 Golden Laced Wyandotts, 2 white Cochins, 2 Buff Brahmas and a Faverolle rooster...and then two weeks later we got 6 ducks...1 Pekin, 2 Cayuga's, 1 buff, 1 Blue Swedish and 1 Black Swedish...I've never had ducks this is new to me....I did a lot of reading...and knew they were messy...and by golly they are messy...but I get a kick out of watching them....I am a bit worried about keeping them happy in the winter....

Sounds like you are bringing us a lot of great experience!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a nice, mixed flock. I had some ducks years ago and I don't think there is any way to keep them from being messy. No matter what you try, they are going to get water into their feed and spread the mess all over the ground. On the upside though, ducklings are the ultimate in cute. I had some Crested Blue Swedish ducklings and they were unbelievably cute. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can.Good luck with your flock.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Wow, you have rescued a lot of chickens in your day! I have never kept ducks, but I hear they can make a HUGE mess!

Enjoy your wonderful flock and welcome to ours!
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