new here!


May 11, 2015
I am raising chickens for the first time. I started last spring and successfully have 4 healthy hens and a friendly rooster. Much to my delight I didn't have to buy an incubator because one of my girls has been sitting for about a week and a half. I've never done this before and I have many questions.

My girls (and Rooroo my Rooster) Live in a portable coop. I let them out to free range when I am home to keep a close eye on the abounding predators that have taken out my neighbors flocks.

I don't know if I should let her hatch her chicks in the coop with the rest of the chickens because the rooster lives in there too. He is not aggressive and all the girls get along fine.

Will they leave the baby chicks alone when hatched since they are a happy family? Or will the girls and/or Rooster kill the hatchlings?

Welcome to BYC!

Chickens don't usually like newcomers and the smaller birds can take a real beating from the biggers. I haven't hatched eggs before, but I think everyone would be safer and calmer if you were to separate the mom & babies from the older chickens (including the roo).

Maybe someone will come on with more experience and be able to tell you more. And if you haven't already looked, the Learning Center may have some good info for you:

Good luck and nice to have you here!
I wholeheartedly agree with NorthFIChick regarding separating the hen with chicks from the flock. They will be much safer. There are methods to integrate them into the flock but, they are too young for that now. Welcome to the flock.
I never saw this before! Once of my hens stole an egg from my broody and ran with it while almost done chick comes falling out out. She wasn't after the chick but the shell and what was left on the inside. I never seen her break her own eggs yet. What is this? I feed them a very good feed mix with calcium.

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