New Jersey

So i bought a little coop last week just "to have" in case i get new young ones. This way i can separate little from big. Not that i'm planning on getting any new ones (hee hee)

I need an intervention. But then again, don't we all! They're just so addicting!!!
So i bought a little coop last week just "to have" in case i get new young ones. This way i can separate little from big. Not that i'm planning on getting any new ones (hee hee)

I need an intervention. But then again, don't we all! They're just so addicting!!!

No, not planning anything some Walmart eggs can't take care of

Yay, we made 200 pages!

my husband drove up tonight and could see the red light before coming in the house. I have them in a Rubbermaid container in the dining room, lol. He's like where did these come from. Then I try to make it better by saying I'm not keeping them all, lol. I'd love for you to take one. And I don't know why, but lately I'm having a heck of a time replying on the iPad. Sorry about the typos, but to try to fix them causes me to lose everything I'm typing.
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How sucessful is it to interrogate new birds? In June, I'm getting some pullets (not sure how old, all that I know is that they will be old enough to be sexed and of the light), and I want to mix them with my hens who will be a year old. Any tips or advice?
How sucessful is it to interrogate new birds? In June, I'm getting some pullets (not sure how old, all that I know is that they will be old enough to be sexed and of the light), and I want to mix them with my hens who will be a year old. Any tips or advice?
I've done it 3x already an probably 3 more this year. First they need to be close in size. Put the new ones in the coop at night once the others have gone to sleep. In the morning go out early and let them out as usual. They will still go through the pecking order. That takes about three days. Nothing to do but what them that they aren't drawing blood. Also make sure the new ones have a place to hide away for protection. The other way is to put them with your other chickens but separate. Like in a dog crate within the run/coop. D that for about a week to get used to each other then put them together, but they will still establish pecking order for a couple days.
Thanks. My flock is mostly small bantams. My Orpington and Polish are standard, but my a polish is stupid and my Orp is pretty docile.

They all seem like easy going breeds. Should just be the usual pecking order establishment, which is sometimes hard to watch, but will happen quicker if you don't interfere with them and only do so if there is blood.

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