New Jersey

Hahahaha I've hooked another.. Yes I will collect some for you.
OMG i'm sooooo excited!!!! Watching her stand up and shuffle the ones the others have laid that day is so cute! I don't know who will get a bigger kick out of hatching them- me, the kids, or Mrs. Pickles herself :) Let me know when to come get some eggs. I wouldn't be able to come until wed. because we're going camping this weekend till tuesday.
Update....... my Orpington is doing good. Her wounds dont look too bad. The stitches are holding up. No redness or anything. She is eating and drinking just fine. She is even laying eggs. They are just amazing. Today I brought her cage outside so she could get some fresh air. My EE rooster sat by the cage the whole time keeping her company. It was so cute!
I have a 4Her who has lots of Naked Neck bantams for sale all different colors and a lot are males. I also have some young pairs of Black Bantam Langshans and Sumatra LF and BT if anyone is interested

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