New Jersey

That's where I got two roosters barred rocks that were supposed to have been Australorps. True he would have taken them back but I named them, brooded and fed them (and became attached) for 8 or so weeks before we knew. We did get nice California Whites from him which we bought at 8 wks old so there was no room for error in sexing them.
We got our girls at Jersey Chicken in Jackson, NJ. I think their policy is that they will take the roosters back if they are sexed incorrectly.
Jackson is 1.5 hrs away from me!
My Pet Chicken online also sells smaller quantities and I've hear they are just a middle-man for Meyer Hatchery.
I figured if I order from i can get 25 chicks for 86$ free shipping. I can probably sell the one I don't want... GOOD OR BAD IDEA?
Well it depends on how many chickens you want. I bought 4 for $5 each I believe. I couldn't accommodate more than that. Plus 1.5 hours isn't too far. I think it was 1 hour 20
Minutes from me.
That is an easter egger, not an ameraucana, unless they have some new color patterns that I am unaware of or it is some combination of accepted colors crossed together. Nothing wrong with them, but a lot of hatcheries and unscrupulous breeders will sell them as "americana" "amerikana" or some other iteration of the name to suggest that they are colored egg layers. They are a mix breed with one or more of the mix being a colored egg layer. Also, it is nearly impossible to find someone to trade a hen for a rooster unless the rooster is something really spectacular. I only mention it so that you don't hold out hope to get a trade and miss out on an offer to take him in. You should also be aware that a lot of folks are looking for the free "extra roosters" that everyone got in early spring, but hadn't planned for, as a ready made chicken dinner that someone else put the expense in to raise for them.
I've had luck selling extra birds from orders. Several times I ordered a breed that I wanted, chose the nicest ones, then sold off the others as pairs. I also have a nearby livestock auction which is great for extra roosters. I don't usually advise buying from and auction, but selling is not always a bad thing. When I sell at the auction, people know me and my birds and I usually sell them before I can even reach the auctioneer.
I have been in touch with someone from West Milford selling some laying pullets. Red Sex Links- for 15. I'm thinking thats a good idea. I wanted variety in my new flock. But I guess these will be my starter girls, then in the future i'll start adding and removing from my flock. or maybe i'll just add add add chicken math lol

Thanks to all my fellow Jersey-ers for all the help. I actually like keeping this thread going. It feels kinda nice knowing people near and far are raising chickens.
Thank you lana10213
Stano pulled through for me
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