New Jersey

I left the door open one night, too.  I remembered about 1 in the morning, and went dow to find a raccoon munching on my beloved rooster's head!  Massive guilt, but lucky that he didn't do more damage.  Got a Pullet-shut door soon after.  Best money spent ever!  Now I can go to a show for the weekend and not worry.  (Also reenforced my run fencing after that attack, as well.)  

the guilts the worst but we have to learn from what we did (or didn't do) and do better next time. We odered an automatic door yesterday. We've talked about getting one for awhile and figured nows a good time. I understand things like this can happen but i want to do my best to make sure it doesn't.

I also think it was a fox that got them. I've see them often driving to work in tinton falls but never in point pleasant but it had to be something big.
llandry, I am so sorry to hear that you had a predator attack. It leaves you feeling hollow inside and vulnerable.

I think I am going to quit birds... I was outside in the yard a few hours ago. The kid and I were playing tetherball and bbqing dinner and I hear all this ruckus coming from the coops (about a hundred feet away). I look over and a bear is in the grow out run eating one of the easter hatch birds. I get the kid inside and blow the airhorn at it and it didn't even flinch. So I get the dog (she is a Tennessee Treeing Brindle, made for this sort of thing) and she barks like crazy and runs it off. I go assess the damage: it ate 3 young birds (two pullets and a cockerel crested legbars). I am getting the remaining birds gathered, since they all ran off when the bear ripped the run open, and I turn around and it is back. Now it is sniffing at my quail pens (they are inside the run) and the other chickens in there. It tries to climb my run. Thankfully my Uncle (next door) comes running down to help and we run it off again. Then it comes back again. What kind of bear is not afraid of an airhorn, a dog, and two humans screaming at it?

We ran it off and up into the woods the last time, but It will be back tonight. I am certain of it. If I wake up to a quail massacre and a downed run, I quit. I may try an electric fence around the run, but honestly, it will only work until it rips that down too. I am just ready to give up. First a hawk took 11 bantams in the early spring, then the neighbors dog attacked my rooster, now the bear. I can't take it anymore. We have had bears around a lot, and I knew it was only a matter of time. I suppose 5 years is a good long run considering how many bears are around here.

So, if I think I am going to liquidate the flock. I love having them, but this is becoming more work than it is worth. I have 4 week old red pyle modern games, blue Belgian D'Anvers, porcelain dutch, blue dutch, cream crested legbars, mature cot quail (if they survive the next few days), and an assortment of older laying hens (some of the year olds are spitzhaubens and brabanters though). I will also have several pair of red golden pheasant.
My daughter lives in Andover, and her neighborhood has a chronic bear problem. They have become very habituated to humans. A habituated bear is indeed a dangerous bear.
llandry, I am so sorry to hear that you had a predator attack. It leaves you feeling hollow inside and vulnerable.

I think I am going to quit birds... I was outside in the yard a few hours ago. The kid and I were playing tetherball and bbqing dinner and I hear all this ruckus coming from the coops (about a hundred feet away). I look over and a bear is in the grow out run eating one of the easter hatch birds. I get the kid inside and blow the airhorn at it and it didn't even flinch. So I get the dog (she is a Tennessee Treeing Brindle, made for this sort of thing) and she barks like crazy and runs it off. I go assess the damage: it ate 3 young birds (two pullets and a cockerel crested legbars). I am getting the remaining birds gathered, since they all ran off when the bear ripped the run open, and I turn around and it is back. Now it is sniffing at my quail pens (they are inside the run) and the other chickens in there. It tries to climb my run. Thankfully my Uncle (next door) comes running down to help and we run it off again. Then it comes back again. What kind of bear is not afraid of an airhorn, a dog, and two humans screaming at it?

We ran it off and up into the woods the last time, but It will be back tonight. I am certain of it. If I wake up to a quail massacre and a downed run, I quit. I may try an electric fence around the run, but honestly, it will only work until it rips that down too. I am just ready to give up. First a hawk took 11 bantams in the early spring, then the neighbors dog attacked my rooster, now the bear. I can't take it anymore. We have had bears around a lot, and I knew it was only a matter of time. I suppose 5 years is a good long run considering how many bears are around here.

So, if I think I am going to liquidate the flock. I love having them, but this is becoming more work than it is worth. I have 4 week old red pyle modern games, blue Belgian D'Anvers, porcelain dutch, blue dutch, cream crested legbars, mature cot quail (if they survive the next few days), and an assortment of older laying hens (some of the year olds are spitzhaubens and brabanters though). I will also have several pair of red golden pheasant.
So sorry for your loss! I don't have any experience with bears but with other predators in general, first thing is, does this animal pose a threat to you and your human family as well as your animals? Please be careful. Should wild animal control experts be contacted? Two, is trapping an option? Three, is neutralizing the animal an option for you? If you are open to the idea and if it is legal in your area you can hire a professional to shoot it if you cannot or don't want to.
It just seems that you have so much to loose/give up.
Good luck to you.
llandry, I am so sorry to hear that you had a predator attack. It leaves you feeling hollow inside and vulnerable.

I think I am going to quit birds... I was outside in the yard a few hours ago. The kid and I were playing tetherball and bbqing dinner and I hear all this ruckus coming from the coops (about a hundred feet away). I look over and a bear is in the grow out run eating one of the easter hatch birds. I get the kid inside and blow the airhorn at it and it didn't even flinch. So I get the dog (she is a Tennessee Treeing Brindle, made for this sort of thing) and she barks like crazy and runs it off. I go assess the damage: it ate 3 young birds (two pullets and a cockerel crested legbars). I am getting the remaining birds gathered, since they all ran off when the bear ripped the run open, and I turn around and it is back. Now it is sniffing at my quail pens (they are inside the run) and the other chickens in there. It tries to climb my run. Thankfully my Uncle (next door) comes running down to help and we run it off again. Then it comes back again. What kind of bear is not afraid of an airhorn, a dog, and two humans screaming at it?

We ran it off and up into the woods the last time, but It will be back tonight. I am certain of it. If I wake up to a quail massacre and a downed run, I quit. I may try an electric fence around the run, but honestly, it will only work until it rips that down too. I am just ready to give up. First a hawk took 11 bantams in the early spring, then the neighbors dog attacked my rooster, now the bear. I can't take it anymore. We have had bears around a lot, and I knew it was only a matter of time. I suppose 5 years is a good long run considering how many bears are around here.

So, if I think I am going to liquidate the flock. I love having them, but this is becoming more work than it is worth. I have 4 week old red pyle modern games, blue Belgian D'Anvers, porcelain dutch, blue dutch, cream crested legbars, mature cot quail (if they survive the next few days), and an assortment of older laying hens (some of the year olds are spitzhaubens and brabanters though). I will also have several pair of red golden pheasant.
Christine, Im so sorry to hear about this! Im sure you will do whats best for flock, and most importantly your family! I don't know what i would do if that happened to me. I know for sure id be scared to death! I'll pray that the rest of your animals remain safe, hopefully you will figure it out soon. I'm looking to replace the chicks that got eaten by a raccoon this week, so if you decide to sell let me know. Who knows, maybe we were destined to meet.
Im glad you are safe!
I'm so sorry this happened. You must be truly frustrated. I just had to put one of my favorite birds to sleep today, so I feel your grief. If you decide to rehome some birds, I might be able to take a few off of your hands. Also, please keep safe from that bear. Friendly bears are the most dangerous. Best of luck with your future endeavors.
llandry, I am so sorry to hear that you had a predator attack. It leaves you feeling hollow inside and vulnerable.

I think I am going to quit birds... I was outside in the yard a few hours ago. The kid and I were playing tetherball and bbqing dinner and I hear all this ruckus coming from the coops (about a hundred feet away). I look over and a bear is in the grow out run eating one of the easter hatch birds. I get the kid inside and blow the airhorn at it and it didn't even flinch. So I get the dog (she is a Tennessee Treeing Brindle, made for this sort of thing) and she barks like crazy and runs it off. I go assess the damage: it ate 3 young birds (two pullets and a cockerel crested legbars). I am getting the remaining birds gathered, since they all ran off when the bear ripped the run open, and I turn around and it is back. Now it is sniffing at my quail pens (they are inside the run) and the other chickens in there. It tries to climb my run. Thankfully my Uncle (next door) comes running down to help and we run it off again. Then it comes back again. What kind of bear is not afraid of an airhorn, a dog, and two humans screaming at it?

We ran it off and up into the woods the last time, but It will be back tonight. I am certain of it. If I wake up to a quail massacre and a downed run, I quit. I may try an electric fence around the run, but honestly, it will only work until it rips that down too. I am just ready to give up. First a hawk took 11 bantams in the early spring, then the neighbors dog attacked my rooster, now the bear. I can't take it anymore. We have had bears around a lot, and I knew it was only a matter of time. I suppose 5 years is a good long run considering how many bears are around here.

So, if I think I am going to liquidate the flock. I love having them, but this is becoming more work than it is worth. I have 4 week old red pyle modern games, blue Belgian D'Anvers, porcelain dutch, blue dutch, cream crested legbars, mature cot quail (if they survive the next few days), and an assortment of older laying hens (some of the year olds are spitzhaubens and brabanters though). I will also have several pair of red golden pheasant.

Christine, I'm so sorry! Bears are the most difficult predator to deal with - I think only a concrete bunker and steel doors will keep them out. You have to think of your own safety right now. I can't imagine how painful this is for you, because I can't imagine having to give up my flock. Keep us posted, and good luck!
Oh no that is horrible!!! Does your state have a bear animal control to come and shoot the bear? Here in nj where i am the police are normally called and the DEpt of fish/wildlife- bears that kill livestock/pets are caught and euthanized..
I am so sorry you are going thru this
The Central New Jersey Poultry Fanciers will be hosting a first Annual "Poultry Swap" on June 6th at Tractor Supply in Allentown NJ. To sell birds your birds must be Pollurum tested and if you are out of state AI tested within 10 days and a vet health certificate. It is $5 to sell birds if you pre register by this Saturday and $10 for day of the event to sell birds. Food, drinks and bake goods will be sold. Swap Starts at 10am I hope to see you all there. Feel free to message me or ask any questions.
This swap is the first event for the Central New Jersey Poultry Fanciers and a fundraiser for our up coming show Sunday October 25th!

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