New Jersey

Guess you'll be washing a lot of chickens this spring. Reminds me of showing the dog. Good luck and don't forget to let us know how you did.
yes i show at a lot of the NJ 4H poultry shows and a few open shows but i usally dont have to wash my birds because i have big breeder pens and the birds stay in very good cond except my white bantam Leghorns they always get dirty lol.
YAY!!! I got my email from Jersey Chickens today that I can pick up our chicks on the 24th..wooohooo
Oh, ma - you got the bug all right! Wait until you come up to our show!
What show? Where and when?

The Sussex County Poultry Fanciers holds the only APA shows for adults in NJ. Our Annual Spring Show is May 18th at the state fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ. Traditionally, we have fabulous weather, and there are great antique shops and boutiques in the area for day visitors. The show is free to visit, and there's a first-time visitor/exhibitor info session at 10am to answer questions and offer tips to help you get the most out of the show. Runs from 9am to about 3pm, depending on how long the judging takes. You've never seen birds like these!
What are you getting? I got some on Sunday ant the are the healthiest I've ever had
Thats great to hear! We are getting a Buff Orpington, a Barred Rock ( supposed to get and Australorp but we changed our minds and wanted something we have not had) , and two Ameracunans. and possibly a Cuckoo Maran if I can talk my husband into a 5th.
This afternoon i was cleaning the coop in the pouring rain and wind. I use a concave garbage can lid to carry the shavings from the garage to the coop. Do you see where this is going? Anyway, i was drenched at this point, literally drenched. i got to the coop and put the lid mounded with shavings down in front of me when a gust of wind came and blew all of the shavings out of the lid. Naturally they all stuck to me since i was all wet. They were all over my face, coat, legs, and completely stuck in my hair. I looked like i had been tar and feathered. It was pretty funny :)
I really thought I was the only one who could possibly have that kind of "luck" lol

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