New Jersey

Bad news today. I lost my Sebastopol goose Feta. He had been fine yesterday and my dad found him lethargic today. He was shaky on his legs and not vocal at all. He always comes honking to the hate but not today. I gave him a bowl of water right next to where he was laying before work but my mom called after checking on him and said he was dead. Now my Toulouse male is devastated and being protective of the body :-( Feta was only about seven years old and so sweet. Not sure what happened.

So now I need a friend for my goose before he gets depressed. If anyone has a goose for sale or knows someone who does I would love to know! I'm not picky about the type but I'm not crazy about chinese geese. Also would like some that's not mean. I would love a female but Gouda would probably be happy with either. I don't have a pond but my geese have a large pen and shed and get lots of time free ranging. They also get time in a baby pool just for them (sometimes shared with my dog!)

I could pick it up as soon as this weekend.

Aww. I'm sorry. :(
Bad news today. I lost my Sebastopol goose Feta. He had been fine yesterday and my dad found him lethargic today. He was shaky on his legs and not vocal at all. He always comes honking to the hate but not today. I gave him a bowl of water right next to where he was laying before work but my mom called after checking on him and said he was dead. Now my Toulouse male is devastated and being protective of the body :-( Feta was only about seven years old and so sweet. Not sure what happened.

So now I need a friend for my goose before he gets depressed. If anyone has a goose for sale or knows someone who does I would love to know! I'm not picky about the type but I'm not crazy about chinese geese. Also would like some that's not mean. I would love a female but Gouda would probably be happy with either. I don't have a pond but my geese have a large pen and shed and get lots of time free ranging. They also get time in a baby pool just for them (sometimes shared with my dog!)

I could pick it up as soon as this weekend.
So Sorry read this. I sent you a pm msg
NJChix, those are very cute chicks and it's making me want to get my project up and started ASAP.

Bad news today. I lost my Sebastopol goose Feta. He had been fine yesterday and my dad found him lethargic today. He was shaky on his legs and not vocal at all. He always comes honking to the hate but not today. I gave him a bowl of water right next to where he was laying before work but my mom called after checking on him and said he was dead. Now my Toulouse male is devastated and being protective of the body :-( Feta was only about seven years old and so sweet. Not sure what happened.

Sorry about your loss. What a great name for a goose, though, and I hope you find another soon.
Butting in again here...

Please someone assure me that my homemade incubator isn't going to burn down my house. I'm in the process of setting it up and was up quite a bit of the night worrying that maybe "going homemade" isn't for me. FWIW, I'm using a styrofoam box from Omaha Steaks with a 25W bulb covered in foil. I'm waiting for my husband to give me an old computer fan so we can avoid hot/cool spots, and I've got my high tech humidifier (a Pyrex bowl of water) already in the box. I'm kind of a paranoid person by nature, so this isn't helping. (To get an idea of how I am, I don't leave my toaster or dryer plugged in when I leave my house, and I unplug nearly everything when I go on vacation.)

I'm having cold feet about the homemade incubator vs just buying an inexpensive one, and need to get over this feeling like we may burn the house down with our little experiment.
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Bad news today. I lost my Sebastopol goose Feta. He had been fine yesterday and my dad found him lethargic today. He was shaky on his legs and not vocal at all. He always comes honking to the hate but not today. I gave him a bowl of water right next to where he was laying before work but my mom called after checking on him and said he was dead. Now my Toulouse male is devastated and being protective of the body :-( Feta was only about seven years old and so sweet. Not sure what happened.

So now I need a friend for my goose before he gets depressed. If anyone has a goose for sale or knows someone who does I would love to know! I'm not picky about the type but I'm not crazy about chinese geese. Also would like some that's not mean. I would love a female but Gouda would probably be happy with either. I don't have a pond but my geese have a large pen and shed and get lots of time free ranging. They also get time in a baby pool just for them (sometimes shared with my dog!)

I could pick it up as soon as this weekend.

I'm so sorry I have one and they are so sweet. My Gwen took in 4 ducklings do you think Gouda would like a pair let me know
Thanks for all the responses guys. We put Gouda in with the chickens temporarily but I can tell he is very stressed right now.

I've been reading that geese can live 10-20 years, so Feta wasn't really that old. Not sure what happened. It happened so suddenly. The only thing I noticed was his eyes were watery but not swollen or crusty. It looked like he had dipped his head in water but I know he hadn't because he was in the corner of the shed.

Gouda has never been in with ducks so I don't know how he would react but it may be a good alternative if I don't find a goose buddy for him. I will be sure to let you know. I'm going to check out the auction as well. They have them every now and them. I'm not crazy about bringing things home from auction, but the coop that I keep them in is separate from the chickens and I fear Gouda will worry himself sick regardless.
Butting in again here...

Please someone assure me that my homemade incubator isn't going to burn down my house.   I'm in the process of setting it up and was up quite a bit of the night worrying that maybe "going homemade" isn't for me.  FWIW, I'm using a styrofoam box from Omaha Steaks with a 25W bulb covered in foil.  I'm waiting for my husband to give me an old computer fan so we can avoid hot/cool spots, and I've got my high tech humidifier (a Pyrex bowl of water) already in the box.  I'm kind of a paranoid person by nature, so this isn't helping.  (To get an idea of how I am, I don't leave my toaster or dryer plugged in when I leave my house, and I unplug nearly everything when I go on vacation.)

I'm having cold feet about the homemade incubator vs just buying an inexpensive one, and need to get over this feeling like we may burn the house down with our little experiment.  :/

I'm sure it will be fine. Its not like you have exposed wires or anything. I forget to unplug my flat iron almost once a week!
Bad news today. I lost my Sebastopol goose Feta. He had been fine yesterday and my dad found him lethargic today. He was shaky on his legs and not vocal at all. He always comes honking to the hate but not today. I gave him a bowl of water right next to where he was laying before work but my mom called after checking on him and said he was dead. Now my Toulouse male is devastated and being protective of the body :-( Feta was only about seven years old and so sweet. Not sure what happened.

So now I need a friend for my goose before he gets depressed. If anyone has a goose for sale or knows someone who does I would love to know! I'm not picky about the type but I'm not crazy about chinese geese. Also would like some that's not mean. I would love a female but Gouda would probably be happy with either. I don't have a pond but my geese have a large pen and shed and get lots of time free ranging. They also get time in a baby pool just for them (sometimes shared with my dog!)

I could pick it up as soon as this weekend.

Sorry to hear of your lose. That is a young goose. I wonder what happened. Stinks to have no warning. Hope you find a friend for gouda quickly. They do get depressed.
Thanks for all the responses guys. We put Gouda in with the chickens temporarily but I can tell he is very stressed right now.

I've been reading that geese can live 10-20 years, so Feta wasn't really that old. Not sure what happened. It happened so suddenly. The only thing I noticed was his eyes were watery but not swollen or crusty. It looked like he had dipped his head in water but I know he hadn't because he was in the corner of the shed.

Gouda has never been in with ducks so I don't know how he would react but it may be a good alternative if I don't find a goose buddy for him. I will be sure to let you know. I'm going to check out the auction as well. They have them every now and them. I'm not crazy about bringing things home from auction, but the coop that I keep them in is separate from the chickens and I fear Gouda will worry himself sick regardless.

I'm really sorry, Lauren. I remember losing my first hen ever at six years - it was pretty crappy. Good luck, and I'll keep my ears open.
I have the same type of brooder, and I haven't had a problem. There's a couple of threads here regarding those types of brooders, so check them if you feel uneasy. Unfortunately, I'm away from home right now, and the thread I used is bookmarked on y home computer, not my laptop. I have a 40 watt bulb in mine, and I don't cover it with foil. Mine has a thermostat, though, so maybe that makes a difference. There won't be any hot and cold spots in such an enclosed space, and I actually had to drill some holes in the sides to let in more air. Do some more research and you should feel better. Let us know how it works out.
Just wanted to send a shout out to NJ. I live in NC now, but was born and raised in Burlington county. It's great to hear that so many have chickens in NJ. I really didn't think that many were around.

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