New Jersey

Well let me tell you :) My chickens have done great during the cold. Plenty of fresh air. If you need a place to get more chicks, let me know. I'm in Mays Landing & Butterhof's is the place to go...
Hello I am also in south jersey. Buena area. I am new to the area and currently have only one hen that we moved from NC to NJ with us in July. I am hoping to get a few more laying hens shortly. Waiting for it to warm up a bit. We have put our current hen in the basement since she's a southern chick and not use to this northern cold. 
Welcome to BYC and NJ. Most people move from NJ to NC not the other way around ;)! I love NJ!!! It's really a great state!!! I'm in central jersey so can't help you out with too much in south jersey but if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Hello I am also in south jersey. Buena area. I am new to the area and currently have only one hen that we moved from NC to NJ with us in July. I am hoping to get a few more laying hens shortly. Waiting for it to warm up a bit. We have put our current hen in the basement since she's a southern chick and not use to this northern cold.
Welcome to NJ and to BYC!
I would love any advice on place to purchase chickens. I am looking to purchase sexed chicks - hen's only. Per neighborhood ordinance I am not allowed to have roosters. I am also looking to purchase a mix of breeds. I have found on place in PA (about 2 hrs away) that is the closest I have found that will allow me to purchase individuals of each breed and they also do not have a order size requirement so I can purchase just a few birds.
try, you can get sexed birds and a small minimum order. i have purchased from them twice. all birds handled being shipped fine. no casualties and they have a wide variety of breeds/varieties. even bantams are sexed :)
I agree, had good luck with My Pet Chicken, 6 chicks in September who are doing great! Pretty certain they are all hens (four different breeds) and just started getting eggs this week! I think their minimum was 4 during the non-winter months, you'd have to check if that's possible with this cold! They ship with a small heat pack at the base of the box, but they did take two days to get here, so I was nervous even in September! Good Luck!
I am well Mary!!! Just found the app for byc which makes it easier to get on with the ipad. Was looking for eggs, found some here!!! Need any chicks if I hatch too many???? Lol

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