New Jersey

Hi fellow our chicks in Sept. , doing very well, could not be happier...don't tell anyone
in Hazlet we have chickens, all my surround neighbors already know, (bribed them with some eggs!) I love my
chickens, they are such characters!
:cd  Hi fellow our chicks in Sept. , doing very well, could not be happier...don't tell anyone
in Hazlet we have chickens, all my surround neighbors already know, (bribed them with some eggs!) I love my
chickens, they are such characters!

Welcome....who would have thought chickens could be so entertaining. We sit on the deck and watch chicken TV all summer.
Thank you for all the great info. Very lucky to have pens and coops next to all the snow we had. I built up some guns shoveling paths :) I just went ahead and ordered all pullets to add..cant wait to go pick up my girls :)
Hi fellow our chicks in Sept. , doing very well, could not be happier...don't tell anyone
in Hazlet we have chickens, all my surround neighbors already know, (bribed them with some eggs!) I love my
chickens, they are such characters!

NIce goin', Hazlet! I'm in Middletown! Gotta get that ordinance changed!
We are from Hunterdon County!

We have 3 Buff Orpington and 3 Speckled Sussex hens that are about a year old.

We also have 6 chicks that are 4 weeks old (leghorn, Blue Cochin, Silver Laced Cochin, Rhode Island Red, Dominique, and an Easter Egger).
I have a chick that's being picked on! Literally the others have pecked a raw spot on his hiney! I have separated her from the others and she is very stressed out about it. What do I do?!
Separating him is the right move. Gently wash his wound and put a little Bag Balm on it. When it heals a bit, you can add him back in. I'd spray a bit of Blue Coat on it first, though.

If the chicks are still under a heat lamp, change to a red bulb to reduce the picking. Keep an eye on them for a bit after adding him to make sure they don't gang up on him again. If they do, take two more of the smaller chicks out, and raise them as a separate "flock," then add them back together when everyone is a little bigger and ready to go outside.
Does anyone have (or know of anyone who does) frizzle serama hatching eggs available for sale?
Looking for a dozen the week of April 28th
Don't have to be show/breeding quality only looking for a cute small pet for my backyard.

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