New Jersey

I lived for a couple years in the SOuth (Florida Panhandle), and I felt the same toward the people there...very good in my book!
Hi all. Just thought I'd post this in case anyone is interested. Rosedale Mills in Pennington, NJ is having a Chicken Chat at their store on Thursady Oct 14th from 7 pm to 9 pm. You can check out their Facebook Page and RSVP to Chicken Chat from there.

Here is what the event invite says:

Have questions about keeping or raising chickens?

Then here's your chance. On October 14th we will be hosting our second Chicken Chat. We'll try going over everything you need to know, and will answer any questions you have also!

Plus we'll have representatives from our local 4H club and representatives from Purina Mills to answer answer anything we can't. Including winterizing your layer flock and keeping predators out!

We will also be discussing local zoning laws and issues in regards to keeping chickens.

Please let us know if you are interested in coming.

Hope to see you there!

The Hart Family
Hi Jill

Hope all is well with you and your feathered friends.
Are you going to the Rosedale thing? If so, maybe I'll stop by and we can finally meet!
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Hi. We're all doing great! You? I am going to Rosedale. Any excuse to meet some chicken people. Also I get supplies there. I love to look around in there. I really need to get new muck shoes. Mine are a mess and leaky. If you get a chance, stop by even for just a minute.

Hi. Hope you are doing well - haven't talked to you in a while. I'm not going to Syracuse. I'm bringing a load of my pumpkins up to in-laws house for kids to paint. Have a great time at the show.
Hi Jill - Glad things are good with you. Will plan to stop by tonight unless the flooding is really bad ay my place (another story) and/or Ellie is really struggling (she is having the worst molt I've ever seen and is incredibly weak and naked - looks like an escapee from Shop Rite - it was really hard to leave her to go to work this morning......she is refusing most food these past few days. I'm convinced the molt is messing with her mind - managed to get her to take some bird seed this a.m. but she's even refusing mealworms, and definitely refusing regular chicken food....if I can just get her through the worst of this she should be alright......)
JJ- Poor girl! I don't blame her. What girl wants to have all that skin showing? They are so strange when they molt. 2 of my girls do this really strange thing - they kind of walk backwards and look up as they're doing it. I can't explain it very well but it looks like they are cowering. Or like they have a baseball hat on and they're looking out from under it up at you. I hope she's ok. I gave mine their first warm mash of the season the other night when it was cold & rainy. Slurp! I do remember your problem with flooding so I hope it's not too bad for you tonight. Take care.
I am 99.9% sure I'll see you at Sussex. I'm taking my sister for surgery the Friday before, but hopefully someone else can watch her on Saturday. Look forward to seeing you and any other BYC-ers who will be there. I thought about maybe wearing a name tag with BYC on it - is that goofy? I just don't know what anyone looks like and it would be great to say hi to people.

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