New Jersey

Thanks for your interest. I am sad to say the event is going to be on the 19th of march ( yea I know, i am going to do the whole "official" post soon!
) However, I am hoping we can turn it into an event that we have a few times a year. If enough peeps come then it will be easier to persuade the 'rents to go with it!

I'm gonna be in Florida then, but the hubby and the boys will go with their birds with our Fancy Feathers 4-H Club. Make sure you advertise in Murphy's and Shoprite too!

Ah! good ideas! I have never been into a Murpy's so i look forward to killing two birds with one stone. I am bummed you will not be able to come but I look forward to meeting your family! My son in now in school and he wants to join 4-H so I will make sure he talks to your boys!

EDIT: My apologies! It was in poor taste to use that figure of speech!!!!
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Wow! I pass you all the time on my way up to Rutgers and back to see my girls. I'll be passing you later today when I take my mom for her Hearing aid appt. I'll wave when I go by!
I'm gonna be in Florida then, but the hubby and the boys will go with their birds with our Fancy Feathers 4-H Club. Make sure you advertise in Murphy's and Shoprite too!

Ah! good ideas! I have never been into a Murpy's so i look forward to killing two birds with one stone. I am bummed you will not be able to come but I look forward to meeting your family! My son in now in school and he wants to join 4-H so I will make sure he talks to your boys!

EDIT: My apologies! It was in poor taste to use that figure of speech!!!!

LOL had me laughing. Make sure you get both the Murphy's in Medford and Tabernacle.
Hey central NJ,
I'm in Burlington. Who do y'all call when you need testing for AI & Pullorum? I am thinking about showing for the fist time this spring (with an ulterior motive of being able to sell some extra birds at the shows) and I know I will need to have my flock tested. Is there someone local to this area? Once you have a certificate for a clean bill of health, how frequently do you need to have testing redone?
Hey yous guys. Im from jersey too. Fugetaboutit

Monmouth county now. But was in Pt Pleasant beach for 35yrs prior. Glad to be out in the country now away from the summer madness.

"Bennies go home!" lol
Hey Steve. I know you call the NJDA, but I've been on the State of NJ website for over a half hour and I can't even find a phone number because - you'll be shocked - I can't find any info about how to find the testers, although the site is all about providing testing. You may have to call the NJ State home # and get transferred to Ag from there. Write down the numbers and keep them where you can find them again. The reason I mention that is because I didn't, and therefore spent a half hour looking for the contact info this morning.
Call the 4-H office at Rutgers. I know of a Poultry club leader who does testing but I am sure there is someone they can put your in contact with!
The number for the NJDA is (609) 292-3965. This is the number I call to have my flock tested for Avian Flu before I bring them to get processed. The test is a free service, but I don't know about Pullorum. They should be able to tell you what to do.

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