New Jersey

Hey guys,

I'm away on my internship and my dad called me today to tell me he forgot to close the chickens in last night and something got ten of my layers and bantams. Some of those birds were 11 years old so I am pretty sad over the whole thing. I know it was just an accident and my dad feels terrible about it, but now we will hardly be getting any eggs. We only had about 20-25 birds to begin with.

If any of you hear of any pullets or hens for sale in the northern New Jersey/PA area, please let me know! I'm not particular about breed, but I would prefer layer types and I would love to have some more EEs. I will probably be looking to buy between 4-6 of them. If I must to get a few hens, I would consider taking a young rooster if he's really pretty. I already have a bantam rooster who survived the attack last night and he is older, so any new rooster must be young.
I'm so sorry Lauren! I will keep my eye out for you. There were two hens on craigslist down here near me, but that was last week. I'll check around for you.

The same thing happened to me, only I caught the raccoon in the middle of his appetizer - my favorite roo. If I had only gotten my lazy butt down there earlier, it wouldn't have happened.
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Thanks guys. We haven't had an animal attack in a while so it was bound to happen.

Interestingly enough, most of the birds I got from the Sussex poultry show from BYCers a couple years back seem to have made it through. From the pictures my dad sent me, it looks like my 11 year old EE might have also made it. I lost my 10 year old bantam cochin I got for free from McMurray so many years ago, my ancient mille fluer D'Uccle I got from a BYCer, and my giant black cochin. I'm really sad, but I'm glad whatever it was that attacked didn't get all of them.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that!

Are you far from Jackson? These folks are great:

was at their farm last week and they have some nice pullets available (as well as older cockerels) I got my first batch of layers from them. I like their quality and their birds have been more "friendly" than those we purchased elsewhere - for whatever that's worth

Prices are quite fair as well!
Hi angus and welcome to the site. Many folks here raise urban chickens. I'm sure they can help. Essex county is tuff on farm animals. A feller wanted to buy a pig from me and when he inquired they told him no.

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