New, just introducing myself


10 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Schodack, NY
Hi! New to BYC and raising chicks! I just bought 21 baby chicks on Saturday and adore them. I have a 10 month old rooster who I rescued as a chick. His mom and siblings were killed by a fox and he was being ignored by the other hens. I couldn't leave him outside in the cold to die so I took him in and raised him. He's a doll and I love him! Have some questions regarding introducing him to the new chicks when they're bigger and about the babies in general (I'll try to find the appropriate place to post those questions though). I'm pretty clueless about raising chicks but my boyfriend has had chickens his entire life and were raising them together. We already have very different opinions about how to raise them so any advice is welcome!
Hi! New to BYC and raising chicks! I just bought 21 baby chicks on Saturday and adore them. I have a 10 month old rooster who I rescued as a chick. His mom and siblings were killed by a fox and he was being ignored by the other hens. I couldn't leave him outside in the cold to die so I took him in and raised him. He's a doll and I love him! Have some questions regarding introducing him to the new chicks when they're bigger and about the babies in general (I'll try to find the appropriate place to post those questions though). I'm pretty clueless about raising chicks but my boyfriend has had chickens his entire life and were raising them together. We already have very different opinions about how to raise them so any advice is welcome!

:welcome. There are many good places on BYC to find answers to your questions. I see your from NY, as am I, and to help you out, there is a thread called NY Chicken Lovers. Go to forums, go to where am I, where are you? Click on NY chicken lovers. That's a good thread to get info. Also under forums, go to what breed and gender am I, people there are very knowledgeable about almost everything about chickens. Good luck and happy surfing. Welcome to backyard chicken. :cd
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your new chicks! A great place to start is the BYC Learning Center, lots of good articles on all aspects of chicken keeping. this is a good article on the what chicks need the first few weeks There is also a nice article there on adding chickens to your flock,
And it is always fun to check out your state thread for chicken keeping neighbors

Welcome to BYC!

Your rooster sounds like a sweet boy! Just introduce them slowly over a few weeks time by keeping the new ones in a cage or fenced off area but within the flock. This will give everybody a chance to get to know each other without any aggression. After a few weeks, you should be fine mixing them in. But always keep an eye on them for that first week and always intervene if it turns bloody.

Enjoy your new babies and welcome to BYC!

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