Hi, my Pekins just started laying a week and a half ago. Between the three of them, I haven't been quite sure who is laying, but yesterday was the first morning that there were two in the nesting box, so I think at least two are laying. Then today a surprising thing happened. I had all the ducks in my backyard and was out there with them, looked over at my duck Penny and she was standing over an egg. It was a soft-shelled one but stayed intact when I picked it up. This evening I was just out in the pen soaking her feet as I was a little concerned about possible Bumblefoot spots on her toes, and she literally laid an egg right at my feet - another soft shelled one, just smaller. How is she able to produce eggs so quickly? Does this happen very often? So far between all three pekins I've had 4 soft-shelled eggs, all in the afternoon, and then an egg, or two in the morning that all have very hard shells. And again, they're just starting up with egg-production, so I understand some of this is normal, but I just never heard of one duck laying multiple eggs so close together! Anyone else?