New layer laying 2 eggs in 4 hours?


5 Years
Jun 6, 2019
Hi, my Pekins just started laying a week and a half ago. Between the three of them, I haven't been quite sure who is laying, but yesterday was the first morning that there were two in the nesting box, so I think at least two are laying. Then today a surprising thing happened. I had all the ducks in my backyard and was out there with them, looked over at my duck Penny and she was standing over an egg. It was a soft-shelled one but stayed intact when I picked it up. This evening I was just out in the pen soaking her feet as I was a little concerned about possible Bumblefoot spots on her toes, and she literally laid an egg right at my feet - another soft shelled one, just smaller. How is she able to produce eggs so quickly? Does this happen very often? So far between all three pekins I've had 4 soft-shelled eggs, all in the afternoon, and then an egg, or two in the morning that all have very hard shells. And again, they're just starting up with egg-production, so I understand some of this is normal, but I just never heard of one duck laying multiple eggs so close together! Anyone else?
Hmm... are you absolutely positive the first egg was from her? My ducks often lay an egg, leave it, then another female comes and sits on the egg. If I’m correct (correct me if I’m incorrect :p) but I think eggs have to develop in them for 12 hours. So I don’t think that’s quite possible..maybe. I’m kinda iffy on my answer though. Others will pipe in soon and give more answers :)
Well, I didn't watch her lay the first one, but I was literally with her, went inside for a couple minutes to put my dog away, and came back out and saw her standing over it. Anything is possible I guess. It does seem crazy that two eggs could come so close together.
When ducks first begin to lay the reproduction tract is getting the kinks worked out and these type of eggs can happen, nothing to worry about unless she keeps it up for a longer period. Be sure she and your others are getting a good quality feed and they have access to oyster shell.
When ducks first begin to lay the reproduction tract is getting the kinks worked out and these type of eggs can happen, nothing to worry about unless she keeps it up for a longer period. Be sure she and your others are getting a good quality feed and they have access to oyster shell.
Ok, thanks for the feedback. They do have oyster shells and are on whole grain fermented layer feed. Plus fresh greens. Hopefully things will smooth out soon. The whole egg production process is quite a miracle!

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