New member and a question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 12, 2014
Hello everyone,

I am a new member, and have been raising chickens as a hobby since April of this year when I got two barred Plymouth Rock chickens. I got a rooster in August and then started breeding barred Plymouth rocks. Unfortunately my rooster is no longer with us, and due to an incubator malfunction I was only able to salvage two eggs that successfully hatched. I am new to this and am unsure as to how to tell the gender. The bird in the picture was hatched 9/21/14, and appears to be a rooster. I am not 100% sure. I am strongly hopeful the bird is a rooster so I may begin breeding again in the spring. I would like everyone's educated thoughts.

Thank you!


Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

That looks like a rooster. He has lighter coloring and a big comb. Is the second pic the same bird? That one looks different.

You should also ask here

Best of luck to you and welcome to our flock!
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I think you've got your wish. It looks like a rooster to me. Definitely post its pic on our What Breed or Gender is This? section and let our experts there take a look at it. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your BR's gender.

It's is the same bird in both pictures. The angle/lighting.

And if its a rooster, I will be very happy!
Welcome to BYC. My hen hatched 8 chicks in June and at 6 weeks old I started trying to pick out my roos. Three of them were a little bigger than the others and had longer legs. Their combs were also bigger. They are crowing now at 4 months old. Of the other five, four are definitely pullets. Still undecided on the last one. Its comb is bigger than the pullets but smaller than the three roos and I haven't seen it crow. I have personally never been able to figure out how to sex chicks. If you want a roo beyond a doubt get a sexlink. Males and females are different colors. Good luck. Hope you get a roo.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I agree with Mountain Peeps. That bird has a lot of fuzz on it to be a pullet of this age. The tail should be grown in by now. The comb is a tad big for that age of pullet, so I vote cockerel. Cute bird! I just raised some Plymouth Barred Rocks this spring. Love the color patterns on the feathers!

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Here is a pic of a Barred Rock the same age as yours and turned out to be a pullet..

Pullets will feather out much faster than cockerels. Cockerels can take a lot longer to grow in tail and primary feathers than pullets.

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