New member and newish chicken owner


Feb 28, 2020
Hello from California!

I'm sort of a new chicken owner who got my flock back in late August. Right now I have 5 hens who are around 6 months old and just started laying a few weeks ago. My family already has more eggs then we need. I have a Barred Plymouth Rock named Martha, two Rhode Island Reds named Dixie and Tyrannosaurus Pecks a.k.a. Peggy, a blue Ameraucana named Linda, and last but certainly not least a black Silkie named Lucy. I've only gotten one very small egg from Lucy but the rest are all laying daily. One of my favorite things about raising backyard chickens is really just having chickens as pets. They are all very sweet and most of them enjoy just perching on my arm and shoulder as I do things. If I crouch down near her, Linda will often just jump up onto and go up onto my shoulder. Also, Lucy is just the goofiest looking thing I have ever seen and never fails to brighten my day. I enjoy a lot of things that are not limited to writing, reading, drawing, photography, and hanging out with animals. Chickens are not the only pets I have too. I have a wonderful german shepherd mix, a sweet cat, a judgemental bearded dragon, two adorable baby bunnies(that I just got yesterday) and two goats that will be joining the family in just a few months.
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