New Member from Central NC


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2021
Central North Carolina
When I was younger, my dad bought my mom 6 chicks from tractor supply about 8 years ago as a surprise Easter present, and since then, chickens have been my favourite creatures :) I'm now 18, and our flock has now grown to a dozen, mostly backyard mutts (maran and easter egger mixes). My favourite part of raising chickens is that they are just so interesting, especially how they interact with each other. And being able to provide my family with homegrown eggs is always a plus. Most of my hobbies I enjoy while sitting outside listening to their drama. Knitting with the view of chickens in the yard makes me feel more connected with the women who helped provide for their families in the generations before me.
I found BYC through many posts on Pinterest, especially the post about the quail pens. I've been a long time lurker, but as part of my New Years Resolution, I've decided to become more involved with the community surrounding my interests.
I'm looking forward to learning more through this community :)

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