New Member from New York State


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 17, 2014
Savona, NY
Hello. We recently bought an old 100+acre farm that hasn't been used for farming in many, many years. We are in the process of fixing up the house and the barn. We are hoping to get more chickens in the coming Spring. We presently have 1 rooster and two hens. Looking to add 20 layers and 20 broiler chickens to the flock along with some Guinea hens, ducks, and possibly a couple of turkeys.

Besides the birds, we also have a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd Dog (puppy) and a 3.5 year old pet bunny named Peter.

We plan to add a couple of meat goats and some pigs in the Spring also. We have a lot of work to do and we both work full time off the homestead.

Best wishes and thank you for your support!

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Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. It sound like you've got a great place for raising livestock. My son-in-law wants to start raising some goats. I used to have some Nubian goats so I'm all for it and willing to help him in any way I can. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting your house and barn fixed up, and in getting your layers and broilers.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Nice pile of wood! One can never have enough wood for the stove throughout the winter.

Stay warm and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Ya, there are a lot of surprise roosters! Even if you get them from the big commercial hatcheries, they only guarantee 90% the correct gender (though they usually do better than that), sex links are really the only chicks where you can be pretty much guaranteed to have all the correct gender.
Everybody seems to get a few, oops roosters. I think they pretend to be girls till you fall in love with them, and then morph into boys, thinking you will still keep them.

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