New member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado

le chicken mum

7 Years
Nov 2, 2016
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Hi everyone! I am happy to be among other chicken lovers! Quick question, my three girls were goven to me by a neighbor that was moving. We were planning on getting chickens anyway, so it worked out great and I love them! They are moulting now- losing feathers, and they all seem fine except one. Goldie is wobbling around a bit like she is drunk. She is drinking and eating like normal, but I am a bit worried. This is day three of her wobbling and today she does seem as bit better. Is there anything I can do to make her wobbling stop? Thanks in advance! BTW, they are about three years old. :)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! That sure did work out well for you with your neighbor! I'm pleased to hear you are enjoying your new chicken adventures. Molt sure can take it out of your birds but you can do a couple of things to help them. I like to give my birds some extra protein whilst they are molting. I put them on a grower or all flock feed rather than a layer pellet. These feeds are higher in protein than layer. I also give them tuna and scrambled/hard boiled eggs. These are also packed with extra protein. I also add an extra poultry vitamin supplement to their water to give them an extra boost. My birds too are molting at the moment and some sure are down in the dumps with it.

Here are some threads and articles on molt that I'm sure you will find helpful ~

Good luck for the future and enjoy BYC :frow

Yorkshire Coop has given you some great tips to help your birds get through their molt and post-molt slump. Hope all is back to normal soon.

Thanks for joining us!
Hello there, and welcome to Backyard Chickens! Great that you could join us, we are all glad to have you! You've gotten great advice and links, so I'll just say hi! :frow
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. This is a great site to get all your questions answered & i see the info is already coming your way. Best of luck

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