New Member from Riverside, CA


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2021
Riverside, CA
Hello all,

We have been preparing to get chickens for the past 2 years. We had to do a lot of research on how to build a chicken coop first and that took a very long time. First, we were going to build it ourselves by watching a ton of Youtube videos, then we decided to just buy a ready made coop from Tractor Supply. Then we thought ok, let's now buy the chickens, but then we thought, but wait, we need to build a chicken run first. So we decided to build the run ourselves this time. Again we watched a lot of youtube videos, and we bought a lot of wood and chicken wires, and we built the run. That took about a year; yes a year, we are not young chicks. Finally, 4 months ago we received our 15 chicks in the mail; 5 Buff Orpingtons, 6 Rhode Island Reds (one rooster and 5 pullets), and 4 Barred Rocks. They first lived in our dining room then moved to the garage, then finally moved to the chicken coop. Yesterday, we got our 1st egg, but the chicken who laid it was sitting on it, so I thought I need to ask questions and learn more about chickens, so I registered in "backyard". And that is my chicken story :)

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