New Member from Texas

Welcome to Backyard chickens. So glad you joined the flock. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we do. You may like to post on the "Silkie thread,"
Thank you!! Does anyone know a good post to post pictures of a little polish I have? Was wondering if someone may have a guess as to whether it was a roo or a Pullet? Thanks!!
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Hi! I'm a new member from Texas. I currently have a mixed flock of Polish, Anericana, black and red Sex links, Production Reds, Buff Orphingtons, Barred Rocks, Black Giants, Brahmas and one little Silkie who I have fallen in love with!! I am looking for some more Silkie Pullets if anyone knows where I can find some! Thank you!
Hi Khermes1. I am totally new. Will be getting chicks next week. I was wondering do I keep my booder nest in the house until they get big enough for a coop? How long should I keep them in a brooder
Hi Khermes1. I am totally new. Will be getting chicks next week. I was wondering do I keep my booder nest in the house until they get big enough for a coop? How long should I keep them in a brooder

I have my chicks in their brooder nest in a work room in our garage. I have a heater in there so the room stays warm. I've always heard until 4 weeks they need supplemental heat then they are usually fine to move their shelter outside. As long as they have a place to get warm if it is cold.
Thank you. I will put it in the basement. It is heated & I have a small heater down there for my dogs. I am also getting a heat lamp for the brooder

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