New member in Walla Walla, WA


12 Years
Feb 10, 2011
Walla Walla, WA
Hi Folks.
What a cool site!
Well, we finally have a little land; have wanted to raise chickens for years.
We have a coop made; will be getting Araucanas, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Reds, and if I can find them, Catalanas.
Anyone in the area who would be interested in sharing advice, eggs, chat, or whatever, I'd welcome it as I am excited to see this community of other people who are also so excited.
Thanks so much.
from WI!
How fun! It is great to have you here.
I believe the may be a thread for Washington folks. Go to index on the blue bar above this thread and go to where am I ? where are you? You should find a state thread there. It will have local swaps and other things going on.
I have not seen one, but i am in a different time zone. i think I am in bed by the time you all get home from work!

edit* Found it for you. At least i think it is your Washington.
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What Great people!
Thanks for your welcomes (Already), and for the thread to Washington.
Hope you all have a beautiful day, oh, and yes my friend in Florida, you probably are in bed when we get home from work

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