New Member Intro! Hello Everyone!

:frow Welcome from New Orleans. Wow, that's a lot of chicken math, in a short period of time. Are you hatching your own? If so, using a broody hen or a Bator? You must have some interesting stories to tell with all those birds! I would love to hear some of them, please.
We have a lot of musical people here also, I think there is also a musician's thread.
Look around and find a thread that interests you and jump into it, let the fun begin. :cool::wee
I get my chicks from the store I work at, we order through Hoover's! I'd like to hatch my own eventually, but I'd have to do more research. I have two silkies currently, and I've heard they're great for hatching eggs. I've definitely got some interesting stories with these birds! Most recent is probably my younger Americana somehow getting herself stuck and lost in our barn for a good few days, and still surviving. Came out looking a little angry but I'm surprised she never made any sound! We'd looked almost everywhere for her
Welcome, John!

I like your username, I'm sipping coffee right now.

Where are you located? When you have questions it helps if others have at least a general idea of your home climate.

Can we see your coop? Run? Do you free range?

Pictures!?!?!?!?! We love pictures!

I'm located in Ohio! My girls were in a two-coop run, so they could pick who they wanted to hang out with and where to sleep, but they moved into the barn in a big stall when we had a real bad winter. Right now my ducks and ducklings are split between the two coops instead. I'll have to get a picture of their stall! It's messy currently, if the weather stays nice I'll be able to clean it. They get to free range during the day, and at night they all come into the barn for bedtime

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