New Member Introduction

Hi Teresa and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us :ya

There are no dumb questions... Ask away... What are you feeding them?
I alternate their feed, in their coops (I have 2 coops, 1 coop is for the hatchlings that are fully feathered) the coop with hatchlings has small wood chips, the other coop has straw hay (cheap stuff) for nesting and bedding, The only difference between coops is 1 has the starter and grow non-medicated and 1 has Layena crumble, and both coops get a seed peck block, and fresh water daily for all. Then I give them oyster shells (just the hens, not the rooster), meal worms dried and/or live, crickets dried and/or live, mealworm and cricket balls, live night crawler worms, scratch (usually Groovy scratch), alfalfa hay, cubes, and pellet, coastal, wheat stalks, Bermuda grass, fresh fruit, fresh vegetable, dried nuts (peanuts, pecan, walnuts, almonds, cashews, brazilian nuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds) and from time to time their own eggs (usually if I crack an egg while collecting, they jump on it FAST) and if I leave eggs in there for more than 2-3 days, they will eat some of them, and the only evidence is the bits and pieces of the shells scattered around. I offer multiple differences every day, most of the time they get AT LEAST 3/4 of the list everyday
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Here, my friends, is Teresa. A true student of Chicken Math!

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