New member introduction

Hello @Shortstuff and :welcome

I hope your chicks are doing well! You are definitely in the right place. We have a lot of useful information for novice poultry owners. :thumbsup

Thank you for joining, and I hope to see you around the forums! Also, feel free to contact me if you have questions, or just want to chat. :)

Have an 🥚cellent day!

- Justin
Thank you so much! We have 1 black sexlink, 2 novogen, 1 maran, 1 maran cross, and 1 americana. They are still little 1-2 weeks old. We are a little worried about our dog. He's a little too excited and we are hoping he doesn't think of them as a squeaky chew toy. We are keeping them separated, but would love any advice. I want him to be a protector to them, not a predator. We bought a little coop and are going to fence in an area to keep it in. I never in the world thought I'd be a chicken mama, but now that my family talked me into this, I'm all in. Haha.
Hello and welcome, glad you've joined :) !
Sounds like you've got a good mix, any pictures :D ??
🐶 I have a similar issue with my dogs as well. If I figure out a way to train them to not look at the chicks like a tasty treat, I will let you know! Hahaha

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