New Member located in Gloucester Ma - anyone out there in my area?


May 14, 2015
So happy to be in the BYC coop with all of you.

Anyone know where I might find 2 or 3 Ameracaunas or Easter eggers who are getting ready to lay or already laying?
I live in West Gloucester on the Essex line. I'll drive up to an hour away to buy them.
I have six brown egg layers, but my two elderly Ameracaunas have stopped laying and I sure do miss those blue eggs.

Hi, welcome to BYC! Glad you joined us!
I don't know of anybody selling grown EE, but I know of someone who ships eggs. It's @mymilliefleur
Thanks. I really cannot do baby chicks anymore- no space that I can separate out form the big girls and boys. But thank you for the wonderful suggestion.

I have always loved that quoter from the bible " he will shelter you under his wings" so perfect for chicken lovers!

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